Last edited 5 months ago


1. Overview

v4l2-ctl is a V4L2 utility allowing to control the camera subsystem [1]. It is based on V4L2 Linux kernel interface[2].

2. Usage

v4l2-ctl --help
General/Common options:
  --all              display all information available
  -C, --get-ctrl <ctrl>[,<ctrl>...]
                     get the value of the controls [VIDIOC_G_EXT_CTRLS]
  -c, --set-ctrl <ctrl>=<val>[,<ctrl>=<val>...]
                     set the value of the controls [VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS]
  -D, --info         show driver info [VIDIOC_QUERYCAP]
  -d, --device <dev> use device <dev> instead of /dev/video0
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -e, --out-device <dev> use device <dev> for output streams instead of the
                     default device as set with --device
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -E, --export-device <dev> use device <dev> for exporting DMA buffers
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -z, --media-bus-info <bus-info>
                     find the media device with the given bus info string. If set, then
                     -d, -e and -E options can use the entity name or interface ID to refer
                     to the device nodes.
  -h, --help         display this help message
  --help-all         all options
  --help-io          input/output options
  --help-meta        metadata format options
  --help-misc        miscellaneous options
  --help-overlay     overlay format options
  --help-sdr         SDR format options
  --help-selection   crop/selection options
  --help-stds        standards and other video timings options
  --help-streaming   streaming options
  --help-subdev      sub-device options
  --help-tuner       tuner/modulator options
  --help-vbi         VBI format options
  --help-vidcap      video capture format options
  --help-vidout      vidout output format options
  --help-edid        edid handling options
  -k, --concise      be more concise if possible.
  -l, --list-ctrls   display all controls and their values [VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL]
  -L, --list-ctrls-menus
                     display all controls and their menus [VIDIOC_QUERYMENU]
  -r, --subset <ctrl>[,<offset>,<size>]+
                     the subset of the N-dimensional array to get/set for control <ctrl>,
                     for every dimension an (<offset>, <size>) tuple is given.
  -w, --wrapper      use the libv4l2 wrapper library.
  --list-devices     list all v4l devices. If -z was given, then list just the
                     devices of the media device with the bus info string as
                     specified by the -z option.
  --log-status       log the board status in the kernel log [VIDIOC_LOG_STATUS]
  --get-priority     query the current access priority [VIDIOC_G_PRIORITY]
  --set-priority <prio>
                     set the new access priority [VIDIOC_S_PRIORITY]
                     <prio> is 1 (background), 2 (interactive) or 3 (record)
  --silent           only set the result code, do not print any messages
  --sleep <secs>     sleep <secs>, call QUERYCAP and close the file handle
  --verbose          turn on verbose ioctl status reporting
  --version          show version information

A longer help is also available:

v4l2-ctl --help-all
General/Common options:
  --all              display all information available
  -C, --get-ctrl <ctrl>[,<ctrl>...]
                     get the value of the controls [VIDIOC_G_EXT_CTRLS]
  -c, --set-ctrl <ctrl>=<val>[,<ctrl>=<val>...]
                     set the value of the controls [VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS]
  -D, --info         show driver info [VIDIOC_QUERYCAP]
  -d, --device <dev> use device <dev> instead of /dev/video0
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -e, --out-device <dev> use device <dev> for output streams instead of the
                     default device as set with --device
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -E, --export-device <dev> use device <dev> for exporting DMA buffers
                     if <dev> starts with a digit, then /dev/video<dev> is used
                     Otherwise if -z was specified earlier, then <dev> is the entity name
                     or interface ID (if prefixed with 0x) as found in the topology of the
                     media device with the bus info string as specified by the -z option.
  -z, --media-bus-info <bus-info>
                     find the media device with the given bus info string. If set, then
                     -d, -e and -E options can use the entity name or interface ID to refer
                     to the device nodes.
  -h, --help         display this help message
  --help-all         all options
  --help-io          input/output options
  --help-meta        metadata format options
  --help-misc        miscellaneous options
  --help-overlay     overlay format options
  --help-sdr         SDR format options
  --help-selection   crop/selection options
  --help-stds        standards and other video timings options
  --help-streaming   streaming options
  --help-subdev      sub-device options
  --help-tuner       tuner/modulator options
  --help-vbi         VBI format options
  --help-vidcap      video capture format options
  --help-vidout      vidout output format options
  --help-edid        edid handling options
  -k, --concise      be more concise if possible.
  -l, --list-ctrls   display all controls and their values [VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL]
  -L, --list-ctrls-menus
                     display all controls and their menus [VIDIOC_QUERYMENU]
  -r, --subset <ctrl>[,<offset>,<size>]+
                     the subset of the N-dimensional array to get/set for control <ctrl>,
                     for every dimension an (<offset>, <size>) tuple is given.
  -w, --wrapper      use the libv4l2 wrapper library.
  --list-devices     list all v4l devices. If -z was given, then list just the
                     devices of the media device with the bus info string as
                     specified by the -z option.
  --log-status       log the board status in the kernel log [VIDIOC_LOG_STATUS]
  --get-priority     query the current access priority [VIDIOC_G_PRIORITY]
  --set-priority <prio>
                     set the new access priority [VIDIOC_S_PRIORITY]
                     <prio> is 1 (background), 2 (interactive) or 3 (record)
  --silent           only set the result code, do not print any messages
  --sleep <secs>     sleep <secs>, call QUERYCAP and close the file handle
  --verbose          turn on verbose ioctl status reporting
  --version          show version information

Tuner/Modulator options:
  -F, --get-freq     query the frequency [VIDIOC_G_FREQUENCY]
  -f, --set-freq <freq>
                     set the frequency to <freq> MHz [VIDIOC_S_FREQUENCY]
  -T, --get-tuner    query the tuner settings [VIDIOC_G_TUNER]
  -t, --set-tuner <mode>
                     set the audio mode of the tuner [VIDIOC_S_TUNER]
                     Possible values: mono, stereo, lang2, lang1, bilingual
  --tuner-index <idx> Use idx as tuner idx for tuner/modulator commands
  --list-freq-bands  display all frequency bands for the tuner/modulator
  --get-modulator    query the modulator settings [VIDIOC_G_MODULATOR]
  --set-modulator <txsubchans>
                     set the sub-carrier modulation [VIDIOC_S_MODULATOR]
                     <txsubchans> is one of:
                     mono:       Modulate as mono
                     mono-rds:   Modulate as mono with RDS (radio only)
                     stereo:     Modulate as stereo
                     stereo-rds: Modulate as stereo with RDS (radio only)
                     bilingual:  Modulate as bilingual
                     mono-sap:   Modulate as mono with Second Audio Program
                     stereo-sap: Modulate as stereo with Second Audio Program
  --freq-seek dir=<0/1>,wrap=<0/1>,spacing=<hz>,low=<freq>,high=<freq>
                     perform a hardware frequency seek [VIDIOC_S_HW_FREQ_SEEK]
                     dir is 0 (seek downward) or 1 (seek upward)
                     wrap is 0 (do not wrap around) or 1 (wrap around)
                     spacing sets the seek resolution (use 0 for default)
                     low and high set the low and high seek frequency range in MHz

Input/Output options:
  -I, --get-input    query the video input [VIDIOC_G_INPUT]
  -i, --set-input <num>
                     set the video input to <num> [VIDIOC_S_INPUT]
  -N, --list-outputs display video outputs [VIDIOC_ENUMOUTPUT]
  -n, --list-inputs  display video inputs [VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT]
  -O, --get-output   query the video output [VIDIOC_G_OUTPUT]
  -o, --set-output <num>
                     set the video output to <num> [VIDIOC_S_OUTPUT]
  --set-audio-output <num>
                     set the audio output to <num> [VIDIOC_S_AUDOUT]
  --get-audio-input  query the audio input [VIDIOC_G_AUDIO]
  --set-audio-input <num>
                     set the audio input to <num> [VIDIOC_S_AUDIO]
  --get-audio-output query the audio output [VIDIOC_G_AUDOUT]
  --set-audio-output <num>
                     set the audio output to <num> [VIDIOC_S_AUDOUT]
                     display audio outputs [VIDIOC_ENUMAUDOUT]
                     display audio inputs [VIDIOC_ENUMAUDIO]

Standards/Timings options:
  --list-standards   display supported video standards [VIDIOC_ENUMSTD]
  -S, --get-standard
                     query the video standard [VIDIOC_G_STD]
  -s, --set-standard <num>
                     set the video standard to <num> [VIDIOC_S_STD]
                     <num> a numerical v4l2_std value, or one of:
                     pal or pal-X (X = B/G/H/N/Nc/I/D/K/M/60) (V4L2_STD_PAL)
                     ntsc or ntsc-X (X = M/J/K) (V4L2_STD_NTSC)
                     secam or secam-X (X = B/G/H/D/K/L/Lc) (V4L2_STD_SECAM)
                     display detected input video standard [VIDIOC_QUERYSTD]
  --list-dv-timings [<pad>]
                     list supp. standard dv timings [VIDIOC_ENUM_DV_TIMINGS]
                     for subdevs the pad can be specified (default is 0)
                     query: use the output of VIDIOC_QUERY_DV_TIMINGS
                     index=<index>: use the index as provided by --list-dv-timings
                     or specify timings using cvt/gtf options as follows:
                     cvt/gtf,width=<width>,height=<height>,fps=<frames per sec>
                     The value of reduced-blanking, if greater than 0, indicates
                     that reduced blanking is to be used and the value indicate the
                     version. For gtf, there is no version 2 for reduced blanking, and
                     the value 1 or 2 will give same results.
                     reduced-fps = 1, slows down pixel clock by factor of 1000 / 1001, allowing
                     to support NTSC frame rates like 29.97 or 59.94.
                     Reduced fps flag takes effect only with reduced blanking version 2 and,
                     when refresh rate is an integer multiple of 6, say, fps = 24,30,60 etc.
                     or update all or part of the current timings fields:
                     polarities=<polarities mask>,pixelclock=<pixelclock Hz>,
                     hfp=<horizontal front porch>,hs=<horizontal sync>,
                     hbp=<horizontal back porch>,vfp=<vertical front porch>,
                     vs=<vertical sync>,vbp=<vertical back porch>,
                     il_vfp=<vertical front porch for bottom field>,
                     il_vs=<vertical sync for bottom field>,
                     il_vbp=<vertical back porch for bottom field>.
                     clear: start with zeroed timings instead of the current timings.
                     set the digital video timings according to the BT 656/1120
                     standard [VIDIOC_S_DV_TIMINGS]
  --get-dv-timings   get the digital video timings in use [VIDIOC_G_DV_TIMINGS]
  --query-dv-timings query the detected dv timings [VIDIOC_QUERY_DV_TIMINGS]
  --get-dv-timings-cap [<pad>]
                     get the dv timings capabilities [VIDIOC_DV_TIMINGS_CAP]
                     for subdevs the pad can be specified (default is 0)

Video Capture Formats options:
  --list-formats [<mbus_code>]
                     display supported video formats. <mbus_code> is an optional
                     media bus code, if the device has capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC
                     then only formats that support this media bus code are listed
  --list-formats-ext [<mbus_code>]
                     display supported video formats including frame sizes and intervals
                     <mbus_code> is an optional media bus code, if the device has
                     capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC then only formats that support this
                     media bus code are listed [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --list-framesizes <f>
                     list supported framesizes for pixelformat <f>
                     pixelformat is the fourcc value as a string
  --list-frameintervals width=<w>,height=<h>,pixelformat=<f>
                     list supported frame intervals for pixelformat <f> and
                     the given width and height [VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMEINTERVALS]
                     pixelformat is the fourcc value as a string
  --list-fields      list supported fields for the current format
  -V, --get-fmt-video
                     query the video capture format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  -v, --set-fmt-video
  --try-fmt-video width=<w>,height=<h>,pixelformat=<pf>,field=<f>,colorspace=<c>,
                     set/try the video capture format [VIDIOC_S/TRY_FMT]
                     pixelformat is either the format index as reported by
                       --list-formats, or the fourcc value as a string.
                     The bytesperline and sizeimage options can be used multiple times,
                       once for each plane.
                     premul-alpha sets (1) or clears (0) V4L2_PIX_FMT_FLAG_PREMUL_ALPHA.
                     <f> can be one of the following field layouts:
                       any, none, top, bottom, interlaced, seq_tb, seq_bt,
                       alternate, interlaced_tb, interlaced_bt
                     <c> can be one of the following colorspaces:
                       smpte170m, smpte240m, rec709, 470m, 470bg, jpeg, srgb,
                       oprgb, bt2020, dcip3
                     <xf> can be one of the following transfer functions:
                       default, 709, srgb, oprgb, smpte240m, smpte2084, dcip3, none
                     <y> can be one of the following Y'CbCr encodings:
                       default, 601, 709, xv601, xv709, bt2020, bt2020c, smpte240m
                     <hsv> can be one of the following HSV encodings:
                       default, 180, 256
                     <q> can be one of the following quantization methods:
                       default, full-range, lim-range

Video Output Formats options:
  --list-formats-out [<mbus_code>] display supported video output formats.
                     <mbus_code> is an optional media bus code, if the device has
                     capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC then only formats that support this
                     media bus code are listed [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --list-formats-out-ext [<mbus_code>] display supported video output formats including
                     frame sizes and intervals. <mbus_code> is an optional media bus code,
                     if the device has capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC then only formats that
                     support this media bus code are listed [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --list-fields-out  list supported fields for the current output format
  -X, --get-fmt-video-out
                     query the video output format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  -x, --set-fmt-video-out
  --try-fmt-video-out width=<w>,height=<h>,pixelformat=<pf>,field=<f>,colorspace=<c>,
                     set/try the video output format [VIDIOC_S/TRY_FMT]
                     pixelformat is either the format index as reported by
                       --list-formats-out, or the fourcc value as a string.
                     premul-alpha sets (1) or clears (0) V4L2_PIX_FMT_FLAG_PREMUL_ALPHA.
                     The bytesperline and sizeimage options can be used multiple times,
                       once for each plane.
                     <f> can be one of the following field layouts:
                       any, none, top, bottom, interlaced, seq_tb, seq_bt,
                       alternate, interlaced_tb, interlaced_bt
                     <c> can be one of the following colorspaces:
                       smpte170m, smpte240m, rec709, 470m, 470bg, jpeg, srgb,
                       oprgb, bt2020, dcip3
                     <xf> can be one of the following transfer functions:
                       default, 709, srgb, oprgb, smpte240m, smpte2084, dcip3, none
                     <y> can be one of the following Y'CbCr encodings:
                       default, 601, 709, xv601, xv709, bt2020, bt2020c, smpte240m
                     <hsv> can be one of the following HSV encodings:
                       default, 180, 256
                     <q> can be one of the following quantization methods:
                       default, full-range, lim-range

Video Overlay options:
                     display supported overlay formats [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --find-fb          find the fb device corresponding with the overlay
  --overlay <on>     turn overlay on (1) or off (0) (VIDIOC_OVERLAY)
  --get-fmt-overlay  query the video or video output overlay format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --try-fmt-overlay chromakey=<key>,global_alpha=<alpha>,
                     set/try the video or video output overlay format [VIDIOC_TRY/S_FMT]
                     <f> can be one of:
                     any, none, top, bottom, interlaced, seq_tb, seq_bt,
                     alternate, interlaced_tb, interlaced_bt
                     If the width or height changed then the old clip list and bitmap will
                     be invalidated.
  --clear-clips      clear any old clips, to be used in combination with --try/set-fmt-overlay
  --clear-bitmap     clear any old bitmap, to be used in combination with --try/set-fmt-overlay
  --add-clip top=<t>,left=<l>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     Add an entry to the clip list. May be used multiple times.
                     This clip list will be passed to --try/set-fmt-overlay
  --add-bitmap top=<t>,left=<l>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     Set the bits in the given rectangle in the bitmap to 1. May be
                     used multiple times.
                     The bitmap will be passed to --try/set-fmt-overlay
  --get-fbuf         query the overlay framebuffer data [VIDIOC_G_FBUF]
  --set-fbuf chromakey=<b>,src_chromakey=<b>,global_alpha=<b>,local_alpha=<b>,local_inv_alpha=<b>,fb=<fb>
                     set the overlay framebuffer [VIDIOC_S_FBUF]
                     <b> is 0 or 1
                     <fb> is the framebuffer device (/dev/fbX)
                     if <fb> starts with a digit, then /dev/fb<fb> is used

VBI Formats options:
                     query the sliced VBI capture capabilities
                     query the sliced VBI output capabilities
  -B, --get-fmt-sliced-vbi
                     query the sliced VBI capture format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
                     query the sliced VBI output format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  -b, --set-fmt-sliced-vbi
  --try-fmt-sliced-vbi-out <mode>
                     set/try the sliced VBI capture/output format to <mode>
                     [VIDIOC_S/TRY_FMT], <mode> is a comma separated list of:
                     off:      turn off sliced VBI (cannot be combined with
                               other modes)
                     teletext: teletext (PAL/SECAM)
                     cc:       closed caption (NTSC)
                     wss:      widescreen signal (PAL/SECAM)
                     vps:      VPS (PAL/SECAM)
  --get-fmt-vbi      query the VBI capture format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --get-fmt-vbi-out  query the VBI output format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --try-fmt-vbi-out samplingrate=<r>,offset=<o>,samplesperline=<spl>,
                     set/try the raw VBI capture/output format [VIDIOC_S/TRY_FMT]
                     samplingrate: samples per second
                     offset: horizontal offset in samples
                     samplesperline: samples per line
                     start0: start line number of the first field
                     count0: number of lines in the first field
                     start1: start line number of the second field
                     count1: number of lines in the second field

SDR Formats options:
  --list-formats-sdr display supported SDR capture formats [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --get-fmt-sdr      query the SDR capture format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --set-fmt-sdr <f>  set the SDR capture format [VIDIOC_S_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-sdr-cap, or the fourcc value as a string
  --try-fmt-sdr <f>  try the SDR capture format [VIDIOC_TRY_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-sdr-cap, or the fourcc value as a string
                     display supported SDR output formats [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --get-fmt-sdr-out  query the SDR output format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --set-fmt-sdr-out <f>
                     set the SDR output format [VIDIOC_S_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-sdr-out, or the fourcc value as a string
  --try-fmt-sdr-out <f>
                     try the SDR output format [VIDIOC_TRY_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-sdr-out, or the fourcc value as a string

Metadata Formats options:
  --list-formats-meta [<mbus_code>] display supported metadata capture formats.
                     <mbus_code> is an optional media bus code, if the device has
                     capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC then only formats that support this
                     media bus code are listed [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --get-fmt-meta     query the metadata capture format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --set-fmt-meta <f> set the metadata capture format [VIDIOC_S_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-meta, or the fourcc value as a string
  --try-fmt-meta <f> try the metadata capture format [VIDIOC_TRY_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-meta, or the fourcc value as a string
  --list-formats-meta-out [<mbus_code>] display supported metadata output formats.
                     <mbus_code> is an optional media bus code, if the device has
                     capability V4L2_CAP_IO_MC then only formats that support this
                     media bus code are listed [VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT]
  --get-fmt-meta-out query the metadata output format [VIDIOC_G_FMT]
  --set-fmt-meta-out <f> set the metadata output format [VIDIOC_S_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-meta-out, or the fourcc value as a string
  --try-fmt-meta-out <f> try the metadata output format [VIDIOC_TRY_FMT]
                     parameter is either the format index as reported by
                     --list-formats-meta-out, or the fourcc value as a string

Sub-Device options:
Note: all parameters below (pad, code, etc.) are optional unless otherwise noted and default to 0
  --list-subdev-mbus-codes pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>
                      display supported mediabus codes for this pad and stream
  --list-subdev-framesizes pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,code=<code>
                     list supported framesizes for this pad, stream and code
                     <code> is the value of the mediabus code
  --list-subdev-frameintervals pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,width=<w>,height=<h>,code=<code>
                     list supported frame intervals for this pad, stream, code and
                     the given width and height [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_ENUM_FRAME_INTERVAL]
                     <code> is the value of the mediabus code
  --get-subdev-fmt pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>
                     query the frame format for the given pad and stream [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_G_FMT]
  --get-subdev-selection pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,target=<target>
                     query the frame selection rectangle [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_G_SELECTION]
                     See --set-subdev-selection command for the valid <target> values.
  --get-subdev-fps pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>
                     query the frame rate [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_G_FRAME_INTERVAL]
  --set-subdev-fmt   (for testing only, otherwise use media-ctl)
  --try-subdev-fmt pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,width=<w>,height=<h>,code=<code>,field=<f>,colorspace=<c>,
                     set the frame format for the given pad and stream [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_FMT]
                     <pad> the pad to get the format from
                     <stream> the stream to get the format
                     <code> is the value of the mediabus code
                     <f> can be one of the following field layouts:
                       any, none, top, bottom, interlaced, seq_tb, seq_bt,
                       alternate, interlaced_tb, interlaced_bt
                     <c> can be one of the following colorspaces:
                       smpte170m, smpte240m, rec709, 470m, 470bg, jpeg, srgb,
                       oprgb, bt2020, dcip3
                     <xf> can be one of the following transfer functions:
                       default, 709, srgb, oprgb, smpte240m, smpte2084, dcip3, none
                     <y> can be one of the following Y'CbCr encodings:
                       default, 601, 709, xv601, xv709, bt2020, bt2020c, smpte240m
                     <hsv> can be one of the following HSV encodings:
                       default, 180, 256
                     <q> can be one of the following quantization methods:
                       default, full-range, lim-range
  --set-subdev-selection (for testing only, otherwise use media-ctl)
  --try-subdev-selection pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,target=<target>,flags=<flags>,
                     set the video capture selection rectangle [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_SELECTION]
  --set-subdev-fps pad=<pad>,stream=<stream>,fps=<fps> (for testing only, otherwise use media-ctl)
                     set the frame rate [VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_FRAME_INTERVAL]
  --get-routing      Print the route topology
  --set-routing <routes>
                     Comma-separated list of route descriptors to setup

Routes are defined as
        routes          = route { ',' route } ;
        route           = sink '->' source '[' flags ']' ;
        sink            = sink-pad '/' sink-stream ;
        source          = source-pad '/' source-stream ;

        sink-pad        = Pad numeric identifier for sink
        sink-stream     = Stream numeric identifier for sink
        source-pad      = Pad numeric identifier for source
        source-stream   = Stream numeric identifier for source
        flags           = Route flags (0: inactive, 1: active)

Selection/Cropping options:
  --get-cropcap      query the crop capabilities [VIDIOC_CROPCAP]
  --get-crop         query the video capture crop window [VIDIOC_G_CROP]
  --set-crop top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video capture crop window [VIDIOC_S_CROP]
                     query crop capabilities for video output [VIDIOC_CROPCAP]
  --get-crop-output  query the video output crop window [VIDIOC_G_CROP]
  --set-crop-output top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video output crop window [VIDIOC_S_CROP]
                     query crop capabilities for video overlay [VIDIOC_CROPCAP]
  --get-crop-overlay query the video overlay crop window [VIDIOC_G_CROP]
  --set-crop-overlay top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video overlay crop window [VIDIOC_S_CROP]
                     query the crop capabilities for video output overlays
                     query the video output overlay crop window [VIDIOC_G_CROP]
  --set-crop-output-overlay top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video output overlay crop window [VIDIOC_S_CROP]
  --get-selection target=<target>
                     query the video capture selection rectangle [VIDIOC_G_SELECTION]
                     See --set-selection command for the valid <target> values.
  --set-selection target=<target>,flags=<flags>,top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video capture selection rectangle [VIDIOC_S_SELECTION]
  --get-selection-output target=<target>
                     query the video output selection rectangle [VIDIOC_G_SELECTION]
                     See --set-selection command for the valid <target> values.
  --set-selection-output target=<target>,flags=<flags>,top=<x>,left=<y>,width=<w>,height=<h>
                     set the video output selection rectangle [VIDIOC_S_SELECTION]
                     See --set-selection command for the arguments.

Miscellaneous options:
  --wait-for-event <event>
                     wait for an event [VIDIOC_DQEVENT]
                     <event> is the event number or one of:
                     eos, vsync, ctrl=<id>, frame_sync, source_change=<pad>,
                     where <id> is the name of the control
                     and where <pad> is the index of the pad or input
  --poll-for-event <event>
                     poll for an event [VIDIOC_DQEVENT]
                     see --wait-for-event for possible events
  --epoll-for-event <event>
                     epoll for an event [VIDIOC_DQEVENT]
                     see --wait-for-event for possible events
  -P, --get-parm     display video parameters [VIDIOC_G_PARM]
  -p, --set-parm <fps>
                     set video framerate in <fps> [VIDIOC_S_PARM]
  --get-output-parm  display output video parameters [VIDIOC_G_PARM]
  --set-output-parm <fps>
                     set output video framerate in <fps> [VIDIOC_S_PARM]
  --get-jpeg-comp    query the JPEG compression [VIDIOC_G_JPEGCOMP]
  --set-jpeg-comp quality=<q>,markers=<markers>,comment=<c>,app<n>=<a>
                     set the JPEG compression [VIDIOC_S_JPEGCOMP]
                     <n> is the app segment: 0-9/a-f, <a> is the actual string.
                     <markers> is a colon separated list of:
                     dht:      Define Huffman Tables
                     dqt:      Define Quantization Tables
                     dri:      Define Restart Interval
  --encoder-cmd cmd=<cmd>,flags=<flags>
                     Send a command to the encoder [VIDIOC_ENCODER_CMD]
  --try-encoder-cmd cmd=<cmd>,flags=<flags>
                     Try an encoder command [VIDIOC_TRY_ENCODER_CMD]
                     See --encoder-cmd for the arguments.
  --decoder-cmd cmd=<cmd>,flags=<flags>,stop_pts=<pts>,start_speed=<speed>,
                     Send a command to the decoder [VIDIOC_DECODER_CMD]
  --try-decoder-cmd cmd=<cmd>,flags=<flags>
                     Try a decoder command [VIDIOC_TRY_DECODER_CMD]
                     See --decoder-cmd for the arguments.

Video Streaming options:
  --stream-count <count>
                     stream <count> buffers. The default is to keep streaming
                     forever. This count does not include the number of initial
                     skipped buffers as is passed by --stream-skip.
  --stream-skip <count>
                     skip the first <count> buffers. The default is 0.
  --stream-sleep count=<c>,sleep=<ms>,mode=<mode>
                     Sleep for <ms> milliseconds (default=1000) after <c> buffers.
                     If <c> is 0, then only sleep right after streaming starts.
                     If <ms> is 0, then sleep forever (modes 0 and 1) or not at all
                     (for modes 2 and 3), if <ms> is positive, then sleep for <ms>
                     milliseconds, if <ms> is negative, then sleep for a random
                     time between 1 and -<ms> milliseconds.
                     There are different modes for this:
                     <mode>=0: the sleep happens only once after <c> buffers.
                     <mode>=1: the sleep happens every <c> buffers (default).
                     <mode>=2: as 0, but call STREAMOFF/ON before/after the sleep.
                     <mode>=3: as 1, but call STREAMOFF/ON before/after the sleep.
  --stream-to <file> stream to this file. The default is to discard the
                     data. If <file> is '-', then the data is written to stdout
                     and the --silent option is turned on automatically.
  --stream-to-hdr <file> stream to this file. Same as --stream-to, but each
                     frame is prefixed by a header. Use for compressed data.
  --stream-to-host <hostname[:port]>
                     stream to this host. The default port is 8362.
  --stream-lossless  always use lossless video compression.
  --stream-poll      use non-blocking mode and select() to stream.
  --stream-buf-caps  show capture buffer capabilities
�  --stream-show-delta-now
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  output the difference between the buffer timestamp and current
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  clock, if the buffer timestamp source is the monotonic clock.
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  Requires --verbose as well.
  --stream-mmap <count>
                     capture video using mmap() [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     count: the number of buffers to allocate. The default is 3.
  --stream-user <count>
                     capture video using user pointers [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     count: the number of buffers to allocate. The default is 3.
  --stream-dmabuf    capture video using dmabuf [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     Requires a corresponding --stream-out-mmap option.
  --stream-from <file>
                     stream from this file. The default is to generate a pattern.
                     If <file> is '-', then the data is read from stdin.
  --stream-from-hdr <file> stream from this file. Same as --stream-from, but each
                     frame is prefixed by a header. Use for compressed data.
  --stream-from-host <hostname[:port]>
                     stream from this host. The default port is 8362.
  --stream-no-query  Do not query and set the DV timings or standard before streaming.
  --stream-loop      loop when the end of the file we are streaming from is reached.
                     The default is to stop.
  --stream-out-pattern <count>
                     choose output test pattern. The default is 0.
                     show a square in the middle of the output test pattern.
                     show a border around the pillar/letterboxed video.
  --stream-out-sav   insert an SAV code in every line.
  --stream-out-eav   insert an EAV code in every line.
  --stream-out-pixel-aspect <aspect>
                     select a pixel aspect ratio. The default is to autodetect.
                     <aspect> can be one of: square, ntsc, pal
  --stream-out-video-aspect <aspect>
                     select a video aspect ratio. The default is to use the frame ratio.
                     <aspect> can be one of: 4x3, 14x9, 16x9, anamorphic
  --stream-out-alpha <alpha-value>
                     value to use for the alpha component, range 0-255. The default is 0.
                     only use the --stream-out-alpha value for the red colors,
                     for all others use 0.
                     Encode RGB values as limited [16-235] instead of full range.
  --stream-out-hor-speed <speed>
                     choose speed for horizontal movement. The default is 0,
                     and the range is [-3...3].
  --stream-out-vert-speed <speed>
                     choose speed for vertical movement. The default is 0,
                     and the range is [-3...3].
  --stream-out-perc-fill <percentage>
                     percentage of the frame to actually fill. The default is 100%.
                     show output buffer capabilities
  --stream-out-mmap <count>
                     output video using mmap() [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     count: the number of buffers to allocate. The default is 4.
  --stream-out-user <count>
                     output video using user pointers [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     count: the number of buffers to allocate. The default is 4.
                     output video using dmabuf [VIDIOC_(D)QBUF]
                     Requires a corresponding --stream-mmap option.
  --list-patterns    list available patterns for use with --stream-out-pattern.
  --list-buffers     list all video buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
  --list-buffers-out list all video output buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
  --list-buffers-vbi list all VBI buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all VBI output buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all sliced VBI buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all sliced VBI output buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all SDR RX buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all SDR TX buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]
                     list all Meta RX buffers [VIDIOC_QUERYBUF]

EDID options:
  --set-edid pad=<pad>[,type=<type>|file=<file>][,format=<fmt>][modifiers]
                     <pad> is the input index for which to set the EDID.
                     <type> can be one of:
                     list: list all EDID types
                     vga: Base Block supporting VGA interface (1920x1200p60)
                     dvid: Base Block supporting DVI-D interface (1920x1200p60)
                     hdmi: CTA-861 with HDMI support up to 1080p60
                     hdmi-4k-170mhz: CTA-861 with HDMI support up to 1080p60 or 4kp30 4:2:0
                     hdmi-4k-300mhz: CTA-861 with HDMI support up to 4kp30
                     hdmi-4k-600mhz: CTA-861 with HDMI support up to 4kp60
                     hdmi-4k-600mhz-with-displayid: Block Map Extension Block, CTA-861 with
                         HDMI support up to 4kp60, DisplayID Extension Block
                     displayport: DisplayID supporting a DisplayPort interface (1920x1200)
                     displayport-with-cta861: DisplayID supporting a DisplayPort interface,
                         CTA-861 Extension Block (1080p60)

                     If <file> is '-', then the data is read from stdin, otherwise it is
                     read from the given file. The file format must be in hex as in get-edid.
                     The 'type' or 'file' arguments are mutually exclusive. One of the two
                     must be specified.
                     <fmt> is one of:
                     hex:    hex numbers in ascii text (default)
                     raw:    raw binary EDID content

                     [modifiers] is a comma-separate list of EDID modifiers:

                     CTA-861 Header modifiers:
                     underscan: toggle the underscan bit.
                     audio: toggle the audio bit.
                     ycbcr444: toggle the YCbCr 4:4:4 bit.
                     ycbcr422: toggle the YCbCr 4:2:2 bit.

                     Speaker Allocation Data Block modifiers:
                     fl-fr: Front Left/Right.
                     lfe: Low Frequency Effects.
                     fc: Front Center.
                     bl-br: Back Left/Right.
                     bc: Back Center.
                     rlc-frc: Front Left/Right of Center.
                     rlc-rrc: Rear Left/Right of Center.
                     flw-frw: Front Left/Right Wide.
                     tpfl-tpfr: Top Front Left/Right.
                     tpc: Top Center.
                     tpfc: Top Front Center.
                     ls-rs: Left/Right Surround.
                     lfe2: Low Frequency Effects 2.
                     tpbc: Top Back Center.
                     sil-sir: Side Left/Right
                     tpsil-tpsir: Top Side Left/Right.
                     tpbl-tpbr: Top Back Left/Right.
                     btfc: Bottom Front Center.
                     btfl-btbr: Bottom Front Left/Right.
                     tpls-tprs: Top Left/Right Surround.

                     HDMI Vendor-Specific Data Block modifiers:
                     pa=<pa>: change the physical address.
                     y444: toggle the YCbCr 4:4:4 Deep Color bit.
                     30-bit: toggle the 30 bits/pixel bit.
                     36-bit: toggle the 36 bits/pixel bit.
                     48-bit: toggle the 48 bits/pixel bit.
                     graphics: toggle the Graphics Content Type bit.
                     photo: toggle the Photo Content Type bit.
                     cinema: toggle the Cinema Content Type bit.
                     game: toggle the Game Content Type bit.

                     HDMI Forum Vendor-Specific Data Block modifiers:
                     scdc: toggle the SCDC Present bit.

                     CTA-861 Video Capability Descriptor modifiers:
                     qy: toggle the QY YCC Quantization Range bit.
                     qs: toggle the QS RGB Quantization Range bit.
                     s-pt=<0-3>: set the PT Preferred Format Over/underscan bits.
                     s-it=<0-3>: set the IT Over/underscan bits.
                     s-ce=<0-3>: set the CE Over/underscan bits.

                     CTA-861 Colorimetry Data Block modifiers:
                     xvycc-601: toggle the xvYCC 601 bit.
                     xvycc-709: toggle the xvYCC 709 bit.
                     sycc: toggle the sYCC 601 bit.
                     opycc: toggle the opYCC 601 bit.
                     oprgb: toggle the opRGB bit.
                     bt2020-rgb: toggle the BT2020 RGB bit.
                     bt2020-ycc: toggle the BT2020 YCC bit.
                     bt2020-cycc: toggle the BT2020 cYCC bit.
                     dci-p3: toggle the DCI-P3 bit.

                     CTA-861 HDR Static Metadata Data Block modifiers:
                     sdr: toggle the Traditional gamma SDR bit.
                     hdr: toggle the Traditional gamma HDR bit.
                     smpte2084: toggle the SMPTE ST 2084 bit.
                     hlg: toggle the Hybrid Log-Gamma bit.
  --clear-edid <pad> clear the EDID for the input index <pad>.
  --info-edid <pad>  print the current EDID's modifiers
                     <pad> is the input or output index for which to get the EDID.
  --show-edid [type=<type>|file=<file>][,format=<fmt>][modifiers]
                     Same as --set-edid, but only dumps the resulting EDID in hex
                     instead of actually setting the EDID.
  --get-edid pad=<pad>,startblock=<startblock>,blocks=<blocks>,format=<fmt>,file=<file>
                     <pad> is the input or output index for which to get the EDID.
                     <startblock> is the first block number you want to read. Default 0.
                     <blocks> is the number of blocks you want to read. Default is
                     all blocks.
                     <fmt> is one of:
                     hex:    hex numbers in ascii text (default)
                     raw:    can be piped directly into the edid-decode tool
                     carray: c-program struct
                     If <file> is '-' or not the 'file' argument is not supplied, then the data
                     is written to stdout.
                     If specified then any checksum errors will be fixed silently.

3. Examples

Refer to V4L2 camera overview ("how to use the framework" chapter) for examples of usage.

4. References