X-LINUX-AI OpenSTLinux expansion package
A free of charge open-source software package dedicated to edge AI.
X-LINUX-AWS OpenSTLinux expansion package
A free of charge open-source software package integrating AWS IoT Greengrass[1] software.
X-LINUX-NFC OpenSTLinux expansion packages
A free of charge open-source software package dedicated to RFAL-based NFC applications.
X-LINUX-QT OpenSTLinux expansion package
A free of charge open-source software package integrating Qt software.
X-LINUX-RT OpenSTLinux expansion package
A free of charge open-source software package targeting the real-time (RT) feature in the Linux® kernel.
X-LINUX-TPM OpenSTLinux Expansion Package
A free of charge open-source software package integrating the TPM feature.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.