1. STM32PRGFW-UTIL overview
STM32PRGFW-UTIL package provides embedded software applications to manage the One-Time Programmable (OTP) memories on STM32MP1 series and STM32MP2 series.
It is alternative to the use of U-Boot component described in article How to fuse OTP but of course U-Boot services are still available.
This package also support PMIC NVM programming.
1.1. Package overview
STM32PRGFW-UTIL provides multiple applications to manage the One-time Programmable (OTP) memories and PMIC NVM.
- Functionalities are available through 4 applications
- STM32CubeProgrammer based application
- Standalone STM32CubeIDE based application
- 2 other applications for development purpose
- UART configuration for the Standalone application
- Run mode for STM32CubeProgrammer application
- Features
- STM32CubeProgrammer based application (in Serial boot mode)
- OTP v2/v3 structure
- PMIC NVM Programming for STPMIC1 and STPMIC25 (automatic detection on ST boards).
- STM32CubeProgrammer UART interface and USB DFU (see AN5275 for protocol details)
- OTP/PMIC Console based application (in Dev boot mode)
- OTP CLI implemented based on STM32CubeProgrammer OTP CLI with OTP v2 structure
- UART and STM32CubeIDE Semihosting interface
- STM32CubeProgrammer based application (in Serial boot mode)
1.2. README.md
The README.md, included in the package, is a complete document that describes:
- the Software architecture and design of STM32PRGFW-UTIL.
- how to use the STM32PRGFW-UTIL firmware package
2. How to get STM32PRGFW-UTIL
Refer to STM32PRGFW-UTIL release note to get the last STM32PRGFW-UTIL firmware package.