This article provides links to FAQs available in the STM32 MPU community. This is only a selection of the most frequent FAQs. Complete lists of questions asked about STM32 MPUs can be found on the ST Community Site
1. BSP configuration
FAQ: STM32MP1 Bring-up procedure
FAQ: STM32MP1 Bring-up troubleshooting guide
FAQ : STM32MP1 How to configure Ethernet PHY Clocks
FAQ: STM32MP1 how to setup the SDMMC_CK clock frequency in Linux
FAQ : STM32MP1 STM32CubeProgrammer USB reconnect error at STM32MP1 boot device flashing
FAQ: STM32MP1 How to get initialized a 'generic GPIO' (to control a LED) with a pull-up/pull down ?
2. System
FAQ: STM32MP1 Security overview
FAQ : Possible display resolutions for STM32MP1
FAQ: STM32MP1 low-power management documentation
3. PCB design
FAQ: STM32MP15 Tips for schematics review
FAQ: STM32MP1 What ST offers to make a PCB design that ensures signal integrity ?
FAQ: STM32MP1 different power distribution for your application ?
FAQ: STM32MP1 how to validate the STM32MP1 DRAM connection on PCB DDR test suite?
4. Advanced
FAQ: STM32MP1 Low-power management documentation
How to use Edimax EW-7811un-V2 WiFi dongle on STM32MP157A-DK1 Discovery Board ?
5. Ecosystem
FAQ: STM32MP1 Which OpenSTLinux Release should be used?
FAQ: STM32MP1 How to migrate STM32CubeMx project from an old ecosystem to a new one
FAQ: STM32MP1 - How to create a device tree adapted to your design with STM32CubeMx ?
FAQ: STM32MP1 - Workshop MOOC - Virtual machine with latest OpenSTLinux
FAQ: STM32MP1 is there example of FreeRTOS and OpenAMP integration ?
FAQ: STM32MP1 what graphical stack and IDEs are available