1. Article purpose[edit | edit source]
The STM32MP13xx device errata sheet[1] lists the different device limitations and explains the corresponding workarounds (software and/or hardware) if any.
The objective of this article is to explain which of the workarounds, described in this errata sheet, are applicable and implemented in ecosystem release v4.1.0 .
This article lists
- errata to be workaround by the customers,
- errata workaround implemented in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases,
- and errata not applicable in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases.
Errata, present in STM32MP13xx device errata sheet[1] and not listed in this article, have no workaround implemented in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases.
2. Legend[edit | edit source]
The section column refers to the number of the erratum chapter in the errata sheet document.
Rev.Y columns , present in the tables below, refer to the availability and status of a given errata workaround for the described erratum in errata sheet document:
- A = workaround available
- P = partial workaround available
- N = no workaround available
OpenSTLinux and CubeMP1 columns , present in the tables below, refer to the availability of a workaround for a given STM32MP13 ecosystem release:
- U = workaround to implement by User
- I = workaround Implemented
- NA= Errata Not Applicable in ST software release
Wave your mouse over a status in the table to display the corresponding legend.
3. Workarounds to implement by customer[edit | edit source]
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Y | ![]() |
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Comment |
Arm® Cortex®-A7 core | 2.1.1 | Memory locations might be accessed speculatively due to instruction fetches when HCR.VM is set | A | U | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution does not activate Arm® Cortex®-A7 Hypervisor mode and hence the Virtual Memory second stage of translation. The customer should implement the workaround if the Hypervisor mode is used in his/her product. |
DMAMUX | 2.3.4 | Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR register write coinciding with synchronization event | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP13_Package: The customer should provide the right DMAMUX signal polarity configuration when calling the HAL_DMAEx_ConfigMuxSync() function provided in STM32CubeMP13_Package Src/stm32mp1xx_hal_dma_ex.c . |
FMC | 2.4.1 | NOR Flash memory/PSRAM incorrect bus turnaround timing | A | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: Delays to applied by customer device tree. | |
ADC | 2.6.8 | ADC_AWDy_OUT reset by non-guarded channels | A | U | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the device tree
STM32CubeMP13_Package: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the application. |
LPTIM | 2.9.1 | Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when entering Stop mode | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The LPTIM interrupt is not used. STM32CubeMP13_Package: The customer should implement this workaround in MspDeinit(). |
4. Workarounds implemented in STM32MP13 ecosystem releases[edit | edit source]
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Y | ![]() |
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Comment |
Arm® Cortex®-A7 core | 2.1.2 | Cache maintenance by set/way operations can execute out of order | A | I | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Implementation accepted by the community since Linux® kernel v5.3 in arch/arm/Kconfig (refer to ARM_ERRATA_814220). |
System | 2.2.2 | Incorrect reset of glitch-free kernel clock switch | P | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: By default, STPMIC1 performs a VDDCORE reset on NRST activation. | |
2.2.3 | SAES, RNG, PKA stuck after first stage bootloader (FSBL) decryption | A | U | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: the enabling of SAES is handled within TF-A. When another FSBL is used the SAES clock should be enabled in the customer software, even if SAES is not. | |
QUADSPI | 2.5.1 | Memory-mapped read of last memory byte fails | P | I | ||
DTS | 2.7.1 | DTS incorrect operation with LSE as reference clock and PCLK enabled | P | I | ||
LPTIM | 2.9.2 | MCU may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when clearing event flag | P | NA | I | |
I2C | 2.11.1 | Wrong data sampling when data setup time (tSU;DAT) is shorter than one I2C kernel clock period | P | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Workaround implemented in device tree with a clock tree that configures the I2C kernel clock source to a frequency higher than 20 MHz. |
SPI | 2.13.1 | Master data transfer stall at system clock much faster than SCK | A | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: SPI is disabled after each EOT
STM32CubeMP13_Package: SPI is disabled after each EOT. |
2.13.3 | TXP interrupt occurring while SPI disabled | A | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: all interrupts are disabled before the SPI is disabled. | |
ETH | 2.16.6 | ARP offload function not effective | A | I |
5. Workarounds not applicable in STM32MP13 ecosystem releases[edit | edit source]
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Y | ![]() |
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Comment |
DMAMUX | 2.3.1 | SOFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_CFR register | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA synchronization event is not used. | |
2.3.2 | OFx not asserted for trigger event coinciding with last DMAMUX request | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA Trigger event is not used. | ||
2.3.3 | OFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_RGCFR register | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA Trigger event is not used. | ||
2.3.4 | Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR register write coinciding with synchronization event | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA synchronization event is not used. | |
FMC | 2.4.2 | Incorrect FMC_CLK clock period when CLKDIV value is changed on-the-fly in continuous clock mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CLKDIV can't be changed on-the-fly. | |
2.4.3 | NAND Flash memory IREF/IFEF flags wrongly asserted just after enabling in FMC_IER | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: IREF/IFEF flags are not used. | ||
2.4.4 | Command sequencer accesses NAND Flash memory device while PBKEN bit is cleared in FMC_PCR | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: PBKEN bit is set at probe time and never cleared on the flag. | ||
2.4.5 | NAND Flash memory IREF flag wrongly asserted after reset | A | NA | |||
ADC | 2.6.1 | Injected queue of context is not available if JQM = 0 | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Injected conversion not implemented. | |
2.6.2 | Sampling time shortened in JAUTO auto delayed mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Injected conversion not implemented. | ||
2.6.5 | New context conversion initiated without waiting for trigger when writing new context in ADC_JSQR with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0 | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: JQDIS = 1, this issue occurs only when JQDIS = 0. | ||
2.6.6 | Two consecutive context conversions fail when writing new context in ADC_JSQR just after previous context completion with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0 | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: JQDIS = 1, this issue occurs only when JQDIS = 0. | ||
2.6.7 | Unexpected regular conversion when two consecutive injected conversions are performed in Dual interleaved mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Dual mode is not implemented. | ||
2.6.9 | Injected data stored in the wrong ADC_JDRx registers | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Injected conversion not implemented. | ||
2.6.10 | ADC slave data may be shifted in Dual regular simultaneous mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Dual mode is not implemented. | ||
LPTIM | 2.9.1 | Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when entering Stop mode | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: LPTIM interrupt is not used |
2.9.2 | MCU may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when clearing event flag | P | NA | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: LPTIM interrupt is not used | |
RTC and TAMP | 2.10.2 | Binary mode: SSR is not reloaded with 0xFFFF FFFF when SSCLR = 1 | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Binary mode is not used | |
USART | 2.12.1 | Anticipated end-of-transmission signaling in SPI slave mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: SPI slave mode is not implemented | |
SPI | 2.13.2 | Corrupted CRC return at non-zero UDRDET setting | P | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CRC is not supported | |
2.13.4 | Possible corruption of last-received data depending on CRCSIZE setting | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CRC is not supported |