OTP word
Bit field (size)
31-7 (25 bits)
6 (1 bit)
is closed
- 0: device is in open state, authentication is optional.
- 1: device is in close state, authentication is mandatory.
These 'is_closed' bits must never be programmed to 1 on product without secure boot option available. This is indicated in the security field of the chip part number.
5-0 (6 bits)
See the reference manual
31-30 (2 bits)
HSE value
- 0b00: HSE is autodetected.
- 0b01: HSE is 24 MHz.
- 0b10: HSE is 25 MHz.
- 0b11: HSE is 26 MHz.
29-27 (3 bits)
primary boot source
- 0: No primary boot source is defined.
- 3: e•MMC™
- 4: SD card
26-24 (3 bits)
secondary boot source
- 0: No primary boot source is defined
- 3: e•MMC™
- 4: SD card
23-16 (8 bits)
boot source disable
If it is different from zero, each bit disables a boot source.
- 0b00000001: disable FMC NAND boot source
- 0b00000010: disable QSPI NOR boot source
- 0b00000100: disable e•MMC™ boot source
- 0b00001000: disable SD boot source
- 0b00010000: disable UART boot source
- 0b00100000: disable USB boot source
- 0b01000000: disable QSPI NAND boot source
15 (1 bit)
data cache disabling
- 0: data cache is used by the ROM code.
- 1: data cache is not used by the ROM code.
14-7 (8 bits)
UART instances disabled
If it is different from zero, then each bit disables an UART instance.
- 0b00000001: reserved
- 0b00000010: disable USART2
- 0b00000100: disable USART3
- 0b00001000: disable UART4
- 0b00010000: disable UART5
- 0b00100000: disable UART6
- 0b01000000: disable UART7
- 0b10000000: disable USART8
- 0b11111111: all UART instances are enabled.
6 (1 bit)
USB DP pullup disabling
- 0: USB DP pull-up is set.
- 1: USB DP pull-up is not set.
5 (1 bit)
PLL disabling
- 0: PLLs for CPU and AXI are enable on cold boot.
- 1: PLLs for CPU and AXI are not enable on cold boot.
4-3 (2 bits)
SD card memory interface
- 0: SDMMC1 with default AFMux
- 1: SDMMC1 with non default AFmux defined in OTP
- 2: SDMMC2 with AFmux defined in OTP
2-1 (2 bits)
e•MMC™ memory interface
- 0: SDMMC2 with default AFMux
- 1: SDMMC1 with AFmux defined in OTP
- 2: SDMMC2 with non default AFmux defined in OTP
0 (1 bit)
QSPI non default AFmux
- 0: QSPI uses default AFMux.
- 1: QSPI uses AFmux defined in OTP.
31-0 (32 bits)
monotonic counter
This is an anti rollback monotonic counter. On closed devices, the ROM code checks if it is less or equal to the version stored in the loaded image header.
- 0b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: monotonic counter value is 32.
- 0b01xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: monotonic counter value is 31.
- 0b...
- 0b00000000000000000000000000000001: monotonic counter value is 1.
- 0b00000000000000000000000000000000: monotonic counter value is 0.
31-28 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - port1[3:0]
Bank id
- 0: unused
- 1: Bank A
- 2: Bank B
- 3: Bank C
- 4: Bank D
- 5: Bank E
- 6: Bank F
- 7: Bank G
- 8: Bank H
- 9: Bank I
- 10: Bank J
- 11: Bank K
- 12: Bank Z
- 13: not applicable
- 14: not applicable
- 0b1111: Invalid configuration
27-24 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - pin1[3:0]
Pin id
23-20 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - afmux1[3:0]
AFmux value
19-16 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - mode1[3:0]
Pin mode
- 0: AF; No Pull; Low Speed
- 1: AF; No Pull; Medium Speed
- 2: AF; No Pull; High Speed
- 3: AF; Pull Up; Low Speed
- 4: AF; Pull Up; Medium Speed
- 5: AF; Pull Up; High Speed
- 6: AF; Pull Down; Low Speed
- 7: AF; Pull Down; Medium Speed
- 8: AF; Pull Down; High Speed
- 9: GPIO Output High
- 10: GPIO Output Low
- 11: GPIO Input
- 12: GPIO open drain; No pull
- 13: GPIO open drain; Pull Up
- 14: GPIO open drain; Pull Down
- 15: GPIO analog mode
15-12 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - port0[3:0]
Bank id
- 0: unused
- 1: Bank A
- 2: Bank B
- 3: Bank C
- 4: Bank D
- 5: Bank E
- 6: Bank F
- 7: Bank G
- 8: Bank H
- 9: Bank I
- 10: Bank J
- 11: Bank K
- 12: Bank Z
- 13: not applicable
- 14: not applicable
- 0b1111: Invalid configuration
11-8 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - pin0[3:0]
Pin id
7-4 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - afmux0[3:0]
AFmux value
3-0 (4 bits)
AFmux configuration - mode0[3:0]
Pin mode
- 0: AF; No Pull; Low Speed
- 1: AF; No Pull; Medium Speed
- 2: AF; No Pull; High Speed
- 3: AF; Pull Up; Low Speed
- 4: AF; Pull Up; Medium Speed
- 5: AF; Pull Up; High Speed
- 6: AF; Pull Down; Low Speed
- 7: AF; Pull Down; Medium Speed
- 8: AF; Pull Down; High Speed
- 9: GPIO Output High
- 10: GPIO Output Low
- 11: GPIO Input
- 12: GPIO open drain; No pull
- 13: GPIO open drain; Pull Up
- 14: GPIO open drain; Pull Down
- 15: GPIO analog mode
31-10 (22 bits)
9 (1 bit)
SSP success
- 0: SSP is either not started or not finished.
- 1: SSP is finished.
8 (1 bit)
SSP request
- 0: SSP has never been requested.
- 1: SSP has been requested.
7-0 (8 bits)
31 (1 bit)
nand param stored in otp
FMC NAND parameters storage flag
- 0b0: NAND parameters are not stored here in OTP and are available via an ‘ONFI’ compliant get parameter command.
- 0b1: NAND parameters are stored here in OTP.
- serial NAND parameters must always be stored in OTP. This bit shall be set to 1 for serial NAND.
30-29 (2 bits)
nand page size[1:0]
FMC or serial NAND page size
- 0: page size is 2 Kbytes.
- 1: page size is 4 Kbytes.
- 2: page size is 8 Kbytes.
- 3: reserved
28-27 (2 bits)
nand block size[1:0]
FMC or serial NAND block size
- 0: block size is 64 pages.
- 1: block size is 128 pages.
- 2: block size is 256 pages.
- 3: reserved
26-19 (8 bits)
nand block nb[7:0]
FMC or serial NAND number of blocks in unit of 256 blocks (nb blocks = N * 256)
18 (1 bit)
fmc nand width
FMC NAND width
- 0: FMC NAND is 8 bits.
- 1: FMC NAND is 16 bits.
17-15 (3 bits)
fmc ecc bit nb[2:0]
FMC NAND number of ECC bits
- 0: no setting. In case of ONFI NAND, this means ‘use value defined in parameter table’.
- 1: 1 bit ECC per 512 bytes, Hamming code
- 2: 4 bits ECC per 512 bytes of data, BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem) code
- 3: 8 bits ECC per 512 bytes of data, BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem) code
- 4: on-die ECC
14 (1 bit)
spinand needs plane select
Serial NAND needs plane select.
- 0: serial NAND plane select is not needed.
- 1: serial NAND plane select is needed.
13-5 (9 bits)
4 (1 bit)
eMMC 128KB boot partition support
- 0: BootROM does not support eMMC with 128KBytes boot partition.
- 1: BootROM supports eMMC with 128KBytes boot partition.
3 (1 bit)
disable ddr power optim
Disable DDR PLL switch off sequence
- 0: DDR DLL switch off sequence is enabled.
- 1: DDR DLL switch off sequence is disabled.
2 (1 bit)
disable HSE bypass detection
- 0: HSE bypass detection is enabled.
- 1: HSE bypass detection is disabled.
1 (1 bit)
disable HSE frequency autodetection
- 0: HSE frequency autodetection is enabled.
- 1: HSE frequency autodetection is disabled.
0 (1 bit)
disable ROM code traces
- 0: ROM code traces is enabled.
- 1: ROM code traces is disabled.
See the reference manual.
31-0 (32 bits)
The Public Key Hash (PKH) is the SHA256 hash of ECDSA public key used for the Secure boot.
If hash = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08… then PKH1 = 0x01020304, PKH2 = 0x05060708, etc,…
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
31-0 (32 bits)
See the reference manual.
31-30 (2 bits)
29-15 (15 bits)
rma relock passwd
A password is required for RMA relock request.
14-0 (15 bits)
rma unlock passwd
A password is required for RMA unlock request.
mac[4 first octets]
ETH MAC address for STMicroelectronics boards
mac[2 last octets]
See the reference manual.