Last edited 4 months ago

How to transfer a file over network

1. Article purpose

The article aims to give some information useful to start with the scp Linux command.

2. Introduction

The scp[1] copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh[2] (remote login program) for data transfer, uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh.

This article focuses on the file transfer between a host PC and a STMicroelectronics board over a network connection.

3. Installation on your target

The scp is installed on the STMicroelectronics images via the package openssh.

4. Installation on your PC

The package openssh-client must be installed on your host PC to perform a file transfer over network with the scp.

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install openssh-client

5. Getting started

  • Your host PC and your board are connected to your local network through
  • Upload a file (<host file path>/<example.txt>) from your host PC to your board:
scp <host file path>/<example.txt> root@<board ip address>:/<board file path>/
Example (assuming that <board ip address> is a.b.c.d):
 Copy the example.txt host PC file in the /home/root/ board directory
 echo "scp example: from host PC to board" > ./example.txt
 scp ./example.txt root@a.b.c.d:/home/root

 Check the result on the board 
 cat /home/root/example.txt 
 scp example: from host PC to board
  • Download a file (/<board file path>/<example.txt>) from your board to your host PC:
scp root@<board ip address>:/<board file path>/<example.txt> <host file path>/
Example (assuming that <board ip address> is a.b.c.d):
 Copy the example.txt board file in the current directory of the host PC
 echo "scp example: from board to host PC" > /home/root/example.txt
 scp root@a.b.c.d:/home/root/example.txt ./

 Check the result on the host PC
 cat ./example.txt
 scp example: from board to host PC

6. References