Last edited one week ago

STM32MP257x-EV1 - hardware description

Applicable for STM32MP25x lines

This article provides an overview of STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards.

1. Article purpose[edit source]

This article briefly describes:

  • How to assemble together the different elements provided in the commercial box
  • What are the different components present on the boards
  • How to connect the boards to external material
  • How to configure the board for boot
  • How to select RS232 UART or ST-LINK/V2-1 connectors
  • What are the configurations of the connectors pins

This article is valid for the STM32MP257F-EV1 More info green.png Evaluation boards: the part numbers are specified in the STM32MP25 microprocessor part numbers article.

Info white.png Information
This article is only an introduction to the STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board. Detailed information can be found in the STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards user manuals.

2. Board assembly[edit source]

The STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards packages (STM32MP257F-EV1 More info green.png), completed by the B-CAMS-IMX package, include all the items listed below.

STM32MP257F-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)
Position Description
1 MB1936 main board
2 7” LVDS WSVGA display with touch panel (EDT ETML0700Z9NDHA panel)
3 LVDS display FPC
4 MB1854 daughterboard AI camera (provided via B-CAMS-IMX package, not part of STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards packages)
5 camera board FFC (provided via B-CAMS-IMX package, not part of STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards packages)

STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board assembly
STM32MP257F-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

2.1. How to connect MB1854 camera board to MB1936[edit source]

File:STM32MP257x-EV1 CameraBoardAssembly1.png
Camera board assembly (picture is not contractual)
  • Find the camera port on STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board (CN4) and the one on MB1854 (CN1). One FFC is provided in the camera box.
  • On each port, carefully:
    • lightly pull the black plastic (1) to insert the contact side of the FPC towards the board (2).
    • Push the black plastic to hold the FFC (3).
File:STM32MP257x-EV1 CameraBoardAssembly2.png
Camera board assembly (picture is not contractual)

2.2. How to connect LVDS display to MB1936[edit source]

File:STM32MP257x-EV1 DispalyBoardAssembly1.png
Display board assembly (picture is not contractual)
  • Check the above cable orientation thanks to the black mark and the white twisted pairs.
  • Find the LVDS port on STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board (CN2) and the one on the display (CN1). One FPC is provided in the STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board box.
  • On each port, insert the cable as described:
File:STM32MP257x-EV1 DispalyBoardAssembly2.png
Display board assembly (picture is not contractual)

2.3. STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board assembled[edit source]

STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board assembled
STM32MP257F-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

3. Board overview[edit source]

Position Description Position Description
1 (LED1) User LED (blue) 2 (LD1) User LED (red)
3 (LD2) User LED (orange) 4 (LD3) User LED (green)
5 (B1) RESET button 6 (B2) WAKE UP button
7(B3) TAMPER button 8 (B4) USER2 button
9 (B5) USER1 button 10 (CN2) LVDS connector
11(CN4) CSI connector 12(CN3) DSI connector
13 (CN1) microSD card connector 14 (SW1) Boot mode selection
15 (U22) S-NOR 512Mb 16 (CN5) GPIO Expansion connector
17 (CN9) FDCAN1 18 (CN11) FDCAN2
19 (U26) STPMIC25 20 (U27) STM32MP257
21 (U24) eMMC 4GB 22 (U29) DDR4 2GB
23(U28) DDR4 2GB 24 (CN10) PWR measurements connector
25 (CN22) MIPI10 connector 26 (CN13) Mini-PCIe connector
27 (JP4) Power Jumper 28 (CN20) 5V/3A Power Supply Jack
29 (CN21) USB Power – ST-LINK TypeC 30 (CN16) ETHERNET 2 / PHY ETH2
33 (CN19) Dual USB Host TypeA 34 (CN15) USB2.0 DRD TypeC
STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board front side
STM32MP257F-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board back side
STM32MP257A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

Position Description
35(CN35) mikroBUS connector

4. Board connection[edit source]

The connections shown in the picture below are the ones recommended to start with the STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards. As shown in the board overview, other connectors are available for this board (for example CAN).

USB TypeC → Power or  STLINKETHERNET 2 / PHY ETH2 →  Ethernet2 x USB type A (host) → E.g. mouse  Keyboard  USB driver...USB2.0 DRD TypeC  →   flashing via CubeProgrammerMicroSD card slotMB1936 5V/3A Power Supply Jack → PowerRESET Button
STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation board connections

STM32MP257F-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

5. Switches and jumpers[edit source]

Most of default settings of the switches and jumpers shall be kept as set in the commercial box.

There are 2 main exceptions:

  • the jumpers related to power
  • the switches related to boot

The sections below detail the main boot switches and the power jumpers.

5.1. Power jumper[edit source]

According to the positions presented in the table below, the power jumper (JP4) allows either the supply of the MB1936 board with :

  • a 5V/3A power supply unit (not provided with the STM32MP25 Evaluation board pack) on the jack CN20,
  • a USB Power TypeC CN21 (USB cable not provided with the STM32MP25 Evaluation board pack).
Jumper Setting Configuration
JP4 JP[1-2] Select the USB Power TypeC CN21 as main board supply - USC typeC cable
JP4[2-3] Select the 5V/3A Power Supply Unit on jack CN20 as main board supply
MB1936 board supplied via USB Power TypeC CN21 (picture is not contractual)

MB1936 board supplied via 5V/3A Power Supply Unit CN20 (picture is not contractual)

5.2. Boot related switches[edit source]

The STM32MP257x-EV1 Evaluation boards can boot from different Flash devices (microSD, eMMC, S-NOR...); using the microSD card is recommended.

Boot mode Boot 3 Boot 2 Boot 1 Boot 0
UART/USB 0 0 0 0
microSD card 0 0 0 1
eMMC 0 0 1 0
Development 0 0 1 1
S-NOR 0 1 0 0

'0' is considered when switch is pushed in OPEN position and is ‘1’ otherwise.

The boot related switches (SW1 on the board overview picture) must be configured as illustrated by one of the following pictures:

Boot from UART/USB
Boot from S-NOR
Boot from microSD card
Boot from eMMC
Development mode

6. GPIO mapping[edit source]

6.1. GPIO expansion connector[edit source]

The pins of the GPIO expansion connector (CN5 on the board overview picture) are described in the following table:

GPIO expansion connector
Function STM32 pin Pin Pin STM32 pin Function
3V3 - 1 2 - 5V
GPIO2 / I2C8_SDA PZ3 3 4 - 5V
GPIO3 / I2C8_SDL PZ4 5 6 - GND
GPIO4 / MCO1 PF11 7 8 PF13 GPIO14 / USART6_TX
GND - 9 10 PF14 GPIO15 / USART6_RX
GPIO27 / SDMMC3_D3 PC3 13 14 - GND
3V3 - 17 18 PB14 GPIO24 / SDMMC3_D0
GPIO10 / SPI3_MOSI PB8 19 20 - GND
GPIO9 / SPI3_MISO PB10 21 22 PI0 GPIO25 / SDMMC3_D1
GPIO11 / SPI3_SCK PB7 23 24 PH11 GPIO8 / SPI3_NSS
GND - 25 26 PF10 GPIO7
I2C2_SDA PB4 27 28 PD12 I2C2_SCL
GPIO5 / TIM8_CH4 PJ4 29 30 - GND
GPIO6 / TIM12_CH2 PD13 31 32 PE5 GPIO12 / TIM10_CH1
GPIO13 / TIM8_CH1 PJ5 33 34 - GND
GPIO19 / SAI2_FSA PJ3 35 36 PF15 GPIO16 / USART6.CTS
GPIO26 / SDMMC3_D2 PI11 37 38 PA5 GPIO20 / SAI2_SDA
GND - 39 40 PA0 GPIO21 / SAI2_SDB

6.2. User buttons and LEDs[edit source]

The GPIO assignments for the user buttons and LEDs are described in the following table. Refer to LEDs and buttons on STM32 MPU boards article to get information on the functional mapping for each one.

LED color and label GPIO
Green LD3 (*) PD8
Red LD1 (*) PH4
Orange LD2 PJ6
Blue LED1 PJ7
GPIO for user buttons
Button GPIO

7. References[edit source]