Bluetooth qualification workspace example with STM32WB05

This article details an example of certification using Bluetooth® Low Energy qualification workspace with STM32WB05KZ module.

1. STM32WB05KZ reference PHY and stack QDIDs/DNs

Before going through this process, QDIDs/DNs used with STM32WB05KZ module should be defined. The Bluetooth® Special Interest Group (SIG) provides a listing search [1] for finding previously qualified designs and declared products. A dedicated certification guideline wiki page [2] provides the latest QDIDs/DNs to be used for each STM32WBx product.

1.1. STM32WB05KZ reference RF-PHY

According to the dedicated Certification guideline wiki page [2] DN 175191 [3] should be considered.

Connectivity RF PHY.jpg

This STM32WB05KZ RF-PHY was qualified with core specification 5.3 and using the test case reference list (TCRL) version 2021-1.

1.2. STM32WB05KZ reference stack

According to the dedicated certification guideline wiki page [2] DN 334238 [4] should be considered.

Connectivity wb05 stack.jpg

These stacks were qualified with core specification 5.4 and using the test case reference list (TCRL) version 2023-1.

2. Qualification workspace process

The Bluetooth® qualification workspace [5] is the starting point of certification journey.
Note that this page includes additional resources to help you understand the Bluetooth Qualification Process or to assist you in case of any issues. To start, click on "Start the Bluetooth Qualification Process".

Connectivity start process.jpg

Each subchapter of this article describes a different step of the qualification process on the Bluetooth® website.

2.1. Product details

In this step, product details should be entered as illustrated in the following example.

Connectivity product details WB05.jpg

Once product details are entered, the customer can, if required, add an additional product. To move forward, "No, I do not" must be selected, as shown below.

Connectivity product details 2 WB55CG.jpg

2.2. Specify the design

Since the customer is reusing QDIDs/DNs, "Yes, I do" is selected, and both DNs associated with the STM32WB05KZ are entered, as shown below:


Once this is done, the following step must be completed:

Connectivity specify design WB05 2.jpg

The customer can now proceed to layer selection and select '"Save and go to the layer selection".

2.3. Layer Selection

In this example, the customer is considering certifying a complete product with proprietary profile and should proceed as follows:

Connectivity layer selection wb55CG.jpg

The customer can now proceed to ICS selection and select “Save and go to ICS selection”.

2.4. ICS selection

To avoid inconsistencies in the future, follow these steps:

  • Select "IOP" and check 2/2 as shown below:
Connectivity IOP WB05.jpg

  • Select "Core" and uncheck 1/53 as shown below:
Connectivity core WB05.jpg

Then, the customer can confirm there are no inconsistencies by clicking the 'Consistency Check' button. In the example, many inconsistencies appear:

Connectivity inconsistencies WB05.jpg

If you go through the detail of each inconsistency, you may notice that ICS item mentioned do not exist in the layer, so that customer must use waiver TCW ES-25636 to avoid those inconsistencies. Please note that this waiver is also mentioned in DN Q334238 [4].

Connectivity waiver WB05.jpg

At this stage, add a waiver by using ES-25636 waiver located at the bottom of ICS selection page as per below picture.

Connectivity waiver 2.jpg

The customer can proceed to the next step by selecting “save and go to Test plan and documentation”

2.5. Test Plan and Documentation

In this example, no test plan should be generated for the new design thanks to the pre-qualified DNs associated to STM32WB05KZ.
In the next step, the customer selects “Upload test declaration and test reports” and uploads their own certified RF-PHY test report executed from certified test house, as explained in the dedicated Certification guideline wiki page [2].

Connectivity test plan WB05.jpg

The customer can now complete the process with qualification fee payment.

2.6. Product Qualification Fee

In this step, product qualification fee needs to be addressed.

Connectivity fees WB05.jpg

The customer can now complete the process with submission page.

2.7. Submission

The customer receives a summary of the requirements status based on the provided product declarations or reports.

Connectivity ubmission WB05.jpg

Your qualification journey with STM32WB05KZ is now completed!

3. References