Click here for a Bluetooth® Low Energy overview
1. Introduction
The STM32CubeWB0 MCU Package[1] provides software components running on STM32WB0 series MCUs.
All examples provided with the package support the following integrated development environments:
- STMicroelectronics integrated development environment for STM32 products (STM32CubeIDE)
- IAR Systems® IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm® (EWARM)
- Keil® Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM)
The firmware package for the STM32WB0 series is also available from STM32CubeWB0 github[2].
2. STM32WB0 Bluetooth® Low Energy software architecture
The single-core Arm® Cortex®-M0+ STM32WB0 Bluetooth® Low Energy solution is designed to develop application firmware including Profiles and Services on top of the Bluetooth® Low Energy firmware stack (Controller & Host) handling the link layer up to the generic attribute profile and generic access profile layers.
STM32WB0 Bluetooth® Low Energy architecture |
3. STM32WB0 Bluetooth® Low Energy applications
The following Bluetooth® Low Energy applications are delivered as source code.
To build and install them, follow the steps described in the Bluetooth® Low Energy build and install application page.
Application | Description | |
Bluetooth® LE SIG | BLE_Beacon | Application advertising different types of beacon: ibeacon, eddystone (tlm, uuid, url) |
BLE_HealthThermometer | Application supporting the Health Thermometer Sensor as specified by the Bluetooth® SIG | |
BLE_HeartRate | Application supporting the Heart Rate Sensor as specified by the Bluetooth® SIG. | |
Operating System | BLE_p2pServer_FreeRTOS | Application supporting the P2pServer with FreeRTOS implementation |
Bluetooth® LE ST proprietary | BLE_p2pServer & BLE_p2pClient | Simple STMicroelectronics proprietary applications to manipulate proprietary Services and Characteristics with single or multislave connections |
BLE_p2pRouter | STMicroelectronics proprietary application to use STM32WB0 as a GAP Central & Peripheral" and "GATT Client & Server with multilink connection | |
BLE_DataThroughput | STMicroelectronics proprietary application to measure data throughput between two STM32WB0 devices or with the dedicated STMicroelectronics Bluetooth® Low Energy toolbox smartphone application (Android and IOS) | |
BLE_p2pServer_ota ( Update Over The Air) | STMicroelectronics proprietary application to update the STM32WB0 firmware using the FUOTA protocol. | |
BLE_SerialPort_Client & BLE_SerialPort_Server | STMicroelectronics proprietary application, which emulates a chat communication with a proprietary Bluetooth® protocol "Serial Port Profile" based on GATT | |
BLE_p2pServer_Ext & BLE_p2pClient_Ext | Application to configure multiple advertising extended sets
Application to scan the extended advertising frames with extended APIs | |
BLE_PAwR_Broadcaster & BLE_PAwR_Observer | Application to demonstrate PAwR (Periodic Advertising with Response). | |
BLE_Power_Consumption | Simple STMicroelectronics proprietary applications to measure low-power system consumption with different configurations (Advertising, Connected, Packets transfer) | |
BLE_TransparentMode | STMicroelectronics proprietary application to support the Direct Test Mode for RF certification. Standard host controller interface (HCI) and application (vendor) controller interface (ACI) can be sent by means of STM32CubeMonitor-RF |
4. References