Certification guideline for STM32WB0, STM32WB and STM32WBA

This page contains information related to Bluetooth® Low Energy and regional (CE, FCC) certification.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with STM32WB, STM32WB and/or STM32WBA development. Otherwise, we recommend reading the Introduction to Bluetooth® Low Energy with STM32 guideline first.

1. STMicroelectronics tools for certification

STMicroelectronics provides dedicated STM32WB0/STM32WB/WBA firmware called "Transparent Mode" that can be used for certification purposes.
STMicroelectronics also provides a dedicated GUI PC tool called STM32CubeMonitor-RF[1] that can be used for regional RF certifications.

1.1. Transparent mode firmware

A set of commands and events is sent through the STM32WB/WBA UART or USB to control the Bluetooth® Low Energy stack via the "Transparent Mode" application.

1.1.1. STM32WB0x

For STM32WB0x devices, the "Transparent Mode" firmware is available in the STM32CubeWB0[2] software package. It is available in source code and must be rebuilt using the customer hardware configuration (UART interface used, SMPS used or not, etc.).

For the specific case of STM32WB05xN network coprocessor, a dedicated "Virtual COM Port" firmware is available in the X-CUBE-WB05N[3] software package. It is available in source code for STM32U5 (default) and must be rebuilt according to host microcontroller used and customer hardware configuration (UART interface used etc.).

1.1.2. STM32WB1x, STM32WB3x, STM32WB5x

STM32WB devices embed Arm Cortex®-M4 and Arm Cortex®-M0 network coprocessors.
STM32WB-M0 devices embed the Bluetooth® smart protocol stack. For STM32WB-M4 devices, dedicated "Transparent Mode" firmware is available in the STM32CubeWB[4] software package. It is available in source code and must be rebuilt using the customer hardware configuration (UART interface used, SMPS used or not, etc.).

For firmware examples, refer to:

  • The P-NUCLEO-WB55 Nucleo folder if the UART interface is used.
  • The P-NUCLEO-WB55 USBDongle folder if the USB interface is used.

1.1.3. STM32WBA5x

For STM32WBA devices, the "Transparent Mode" firmware is available in the STM32CubeWBA[5] software package. It is available in source code and must be rebuilt using the customer hardware configuration (UART interface used, SMPS used or not, etc.).

Refer to the dedicated STM32WBA Transparent Mode wiki page for more details.

1.2. STM32CubeMonitor-RF PC tool

STM32CubeMonitor-RF[1] is a PC tool for quickly testing the RF performance of STM32WB0/STM32WB/WBA-based hardware devices.

Connectivity cubemonitorRF.jpg

In the RF Tests tab, the required mode (Rx/Tx), modulation, and power settings for the tested device can be configured quickly.

2. Bluetooth® certification

2.1. Bluetooth® Low Energy qualification process

All products using Bluetooth® technology must complete the Bluetooth® qualification process. Please refer to the Bluetooth® SIG webpage (Bluetooth® qualification process overview)[6].

The Bluetooth® qualification process is not a matter of putting the Bluetooth® logo on a product, but of using licensed technology.

2.1.1. Two paths: testing required/no testing required

There are two possible paths for the qualification process:

No testing required

  • The product is based on a precertified STMicroelectronics module, such as STM32WB5MMG or STM32WB1MMC.
  • The product uses STM32WBx and follows the recommendations outlined in AN5526 for STM32WB0, in AN5165 for STM32WB, in AN5948 for STM32WBA and no changes were made to the schematics and layout.

Testing required

  • The product is based on an STMicroelectronics chipset, such as STM32WB0/STM32WB/STM32WBA, and does not follow the recommendations outlined in AN5526 for STM32WB0, in AN5165 for STM32WB, in AN5948 for STM32WBA, and changes were made to the schematics or layout.

2.1.2. Qualification workspace process flow

The Bluetooth® qualification process example wiki article gives a step-by-step description of the qualification workspace process.

Whatever the STM32WB0, STM32WB or STM32WBA chipset or associated modules used, STMicroelectronics does not provide end product devices, so the required testing path should be used. STMicroelectronics qualified products and provide changes and maintenance to the latest core functionality.
The image below shows the main qualification steps and associated costs:

Connectivity process2.jpg

More information on certification fees is available from the SIG website[7].

The RF-PHY reports for STM32WB modules can be found on st.com:

  • STM32WB5MMG (cutX) RF PHY test report[8].
  • STM32WB1MMC (cutX) RF PHY test report[9].

2.1.3. Bluetooth® qualification test facilities

If testing is required, the qualification testing process takes place in an official Bluetooth® qualification test facility (BQTF). BQTFs are formally recognized by the Bluetooth® SIG as competent to perform Bluetooth® qualification conformance tests.
A list of official BQTFs is available on the Bluetooth® website[10].

2.2. Available qualified design DID/DN (QDID)

The tables below summarize certified Bluetooth® SIG product on RF-PHY, controller-host stack and profiles for all STM32WB0/STM32WB/STM32WBA families.
When proceeding to a new product Bluetooth® SIG certification, customers should determine the corresponding DID/DN (QDID) to the selected STM32WBx hardware and firmware version.

As a reminder:

  • It is recommended for customers to start qualification workspace process from latest mandatory TCRL.
  • This ensures interoperability between a Bluetooth®v5.1 device and a Bluetooth®v6.0 device, for example.
  • All Bluetooth® Low Energy features are optional, so you need to select the necessary features for your application.


Package Part number RF PHY QDID
STM32WB05 175191 (TCRL 2021-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3
221778 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4
STM32WB09 175191 (TCRL 2021-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3

2.2.2. STM32WB0 host stack QDID

Features Host stack version QDID
4.0 HCI
LL with extended advertising, ATT, GAP, GATT, L2CAP with Enhanced Connected Oriented Channel, SMP
stm32wb0x_ble_stack 234204 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 or

Q334238 Subsystem of Q234204 (without direction finding feature)

4.0 HCI
LL with extended advertising
stm32wb0x_ble_stack_controller_only 234204 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 or

Q334238 Subsystem of Q234204 (without direction finding feature)


Package Part number Cut version RF-PHY DID/DN (&QDID)
QFN48 STM32WB55Cx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s)
STM32WB50Cx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 1 Mbit/s)
STM32WB35Cx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s)
STM32WB30Cx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 1 Mbit/s)
Y or X Q308129 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 161807
STM32WB15CCU6E (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s)
STM32WB10CCU5E (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 1 Mbit/s)
Y or X Q308112 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 164054
STM32WB15CXX6 (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s)
STM32WB10CXX5 (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 1 Mbit/s)
Y or X Q308109 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 161969
QFN68 STM32WB55Rx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.0 - 2 Mbit/s) Y Q308152 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 127495
WLCSP100 STM32WB55VY (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3 - 2 Mbit/s) X Q306653 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 178970
BGA129 STM32WB55Vxx (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s) Y or X Q308129 (TCRL 2024-2) include QDID 161808
WLCSP49 STM32WB15CCY (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbit/s)
STM32WB10CCY (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 1 Mbit/s)
Y or X Q307155 (TCRL2024-2) include QDID 170241
Module 86-pin LGA STM32WB5MMG (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2 - 2 Mbits/s) X Q317109 (TCRL2024-2) include QDID 187035
Module 77-pin LGA STM32WB1MMC (Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3 - 2 Mbit/s) 2.1 Q306642 (TCRL2024-2) include QDID 187042

2.2.4. STM32WB host stack DID/DN (&QDID)

Features Host stack version STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries DID/DN (&QDID)
LL with extended advertising,
4.0 HCI,
L2CAP with Enhanced Connected Oriented Channel
Q309440 (TCRL2024-2) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 (include QDID 216169)

Q332452 Subsystem of Q309440 (without Power Class 1 feature)

Notice that recent DID/DN Q306500 will inherit from all previous QDID software STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries. As example Q306500 could use variant stm32wb3x_BLE_HCI_AdvScan_fw.bin or stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin.


Package Part number Cut version RF-PHY DID/DN
UFQFPN48 STM32WBA5xCx 2.x Q320738 (TCRL 2024-2) Bluetooth® Low Energy 6.0
WLCSP41 STM32WBA5xHx 2.x
UFBGA59 STM32WBA5xUx 2.x
UFBGA59 (Module) STM32WBA5Mxx 2.x Q331156 (TCRL 2024-2) Bluetooth® Low Energy 6.0
UFQFPN48 STM32WBA6xCx 1.x Q336189 (TCRL 2024-2) Bluetooth® Low Energy 6.0
WLCSP88 STM32WBA6xMx 1.x

2.2.6. STM32WBA host stack DID/DN (&QDID)

Features Host stack version DID/DN (&QDID)
4.0 HCI
LL with extended advertising, ATT, GAP, GATT, L2CAP with Enhanced Connected Oriented Channel, SMP
234430 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4

or Q330021 Subsystem of Q234430 (without Power Class 1 feature)

4.0 HCI
LL with extended advertising, ATT, GAP, GATT, L2CAP with Enhanced Connected Oriented Channel, SMP
227877 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4
4.0 HCI
LL with extended advertising, ATT, GAP, GATT, L2CAP with Enhanced Connected Oriented Channel, SMP
198195 (TCRL 2022-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3

2.2.7. STM32WBA Audio Framework QDID

Features Release version QDID
STM32WBAx_BLE_AUDIO_PBP_TMAP STM32CubeWBAx V1.3.x 237184 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy
STM32WBAx_BLE_AUDIO_GAF STM32WBAx_BLE_AUDIO_GAF V1.2 237184 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy
STM32WBAx_LC3 STM32WBAx_LC3 v1.4 237184 (TCRL 2023-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy

2.2.8. STM32WBx Profiles & Services DID/DN

Features DID/DN
STM32WBA & STM32WB & STM32WB0 Series Profiles & Services Q302342 (TCRL 2024-1) Bluetooth® Low Energy

2.3. Qualification workspace process

Aside this certification guideline, we do have few wiki pages describing the different steps of the qualification process for various STM32WBx devices.
Refer to:

2.4. Bluetooth® Low Energy RF-PHY testing

In case RF-PHY testing is required, the following chapters contain information on how to prepare the customer's hardware and software.

2.4.1. Software & hardware recommendation for Bluetooth® Low Energy RF testing

The customer should prepare their device to ensure that:

  • STM32WB0x, STM32WBx or STM32WBAx is programmed with the "Transparent Mode" firmware.
  • For STM32WB05xN network coprocessor, host microcontroller is flashed with "Virtual COM Port" firmware.
  • The SMA RF cable is set instead of the antenna (to ensure a solid grounding connection), because Bluetooth® Low Energy RF-PHY tests are done in conducted mode only.

2.4.2. Direct test mode

Direct test mode (where the Bluetooth® tester sends HCI commands directly to the tested device) is mandatory for the Bluetooth® Low Energy qualification, which is why the customer product must be programmed with the "Transparent Mode" firmware (refer to the chapter on "Transparent Mode" firmware above).

Connectivity DTM.jpg

For the specific case of network coprocessor with STM32WB05xN, please refer to below picture.

Connectivity:NCP DTM.jpg

2.4.3. Protocol implementation extra information for testing (Pixit)

The protocol implementation extra information for testing contains additional information necessary for testing. When proceeding to the RF PHY tests, the customer might need to provide the test house with this information about the chipset RF PHY. STM32WB0

The table below lists the information needed for STM32WB0 devices:

Connectivity:pixit wb0 v2.jpg

Note 1: some information is product-related and not chipset-related (noted “Product dependent” in the table).
Note 2: If some features are not used (2M, AoA/AoD corresponding details should be set to “NA”. STM32WB

The table below lists the information needed for STM32WB devices:

Connectivity STM32WB pixit.jpg

Note 1: some information is product-related and not chipset-related (noted “Product dependent” in the table).
Note 2: 2M tests should be set to “NA” if the device does not support 2M modulation. STM32WBA

The table below lists the information needed for STM32WBA devices:

Connectivity WBApixit2.jpg

Note 1: some information is product-related and not chipset-related (noted “Product dependent” in the table).
Note 2: 2M tests should be set to “NA” if the device does not support 2M modulation.

3. Regional certification

Bluetooth® Low Energy products need to comply with different regional RF regulatory requirements in different countries, such as:

  • FCC (Federal Communications Committee) for North America.
  • European Commission Radio Equipment Directive (RED) for Europe.
  • IC (Industry Canada) for Canada, etc.

3.1. Module versus chipset

3.1.1. Chipset use case

STM32WB0/STM32WB/STM32WBA chipsets are compliant with all regional RF regulatory requirements. However, RF tests for regional certifications are fully hardware-dependent (antenna, layout, etc.).

3.1.2. Module use case

STM32WBxMMx modules have been precertified for RF in various regions. Certificates and test reports for STM32WB1M[11] and STM32WB5M[12] are available on our website.

Only a limited number of RF tests is required for the final product (Rx and Tx radiated tests) when using our certified modules, which reduces the RF test costs for the end product significantly.

3.2. Regional certification testing

3.2.1. Setup for RF testing

The customer must prepare their DUT to ensure that:

  • STM32WB is programmed with the "Transparent Mode" firmware.
  • The tested device is connected to the STM32CubeMonitor-RF[1] PC tool.
  • The RF test is done in conducted and mainly radiated mode. For conducted tests, the RF cable should be implemented, replacing the antenna (to ensure a solid grounding connection).

The picture below describes the recommended test setup for performing RF tests for regional certification.

Connectivity regional testing setup.jpg

For the specific case of STM32WB05xN network coprocessor

  • Host microcontroller is programmed with the "Virtual Com Port" firmware.
  • The tested device is connected to the STM32CubeMonitor-RF[1] PC tool.
  • The RF test is done in conducted and mainly radiated mode. For conducted tests, the RF cable should be implemented, replacing the antenna (to ensure a solid grounding connection).

The picture below describes the recommended test setup for performing RF tests for regional certification.

Connectivity:NCP DTMv2.jpg

3.2.2. RED - EN 300 328 prefilled document

Customers are asked to fill out an EN 300 328 form for RED RF testing. The images below show a prefilled form with the suggested values related to STM32WB/WBA (to be completed with product-related information).

Connectivity EN300328p1.jpg

Connectivity:EN300328p2 v3.jpg

Connectivity EN300328p3.jpg

Connectivity EN300328p4.jpg

Connectivity EN300328p5.jpg

Connectivity EN300328p6.jpg

3.2.3. Immunity tests

For regional certification, the test house checks whether the final product is able to sustain Bluetooth® Low Energy communication when subject to EMC stress. A possible test setup is detailed below:

  • The tested device has been programmed with the "Transparent Mode" firmware and is connected to STM32CubeMonitor-RF.
  • The STM32WB evaluation kit (for example) is also used outside the anechoic chamber. It has been programmed with the "Transparent Mode" firmware and is also connected to STM32CubeMonitor-RF.
Connectivity immunity tests.jpg
  • The ACI Utilities tab in STM32CubeMonitor-RF lets you quickly establish a Bluetooth® Low Energy link between the DUT and an STMicroelectronics evaluation kit. You can then check any disconnections during the EMC stress test.
  1. DUT advertises:

    Connectivity cubemonitorview1.png

  2. STM32WB scans:

    Connectivity cubemonitorview2.png

  3. STM32WB connects:

    Connectivity cubemonitorview3.png

  4. If the RF link with the DUT is broken, the disconnection is displayed:

    Connectivity cubemonitorview4.png

4. References