Introduction to isolation

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1. What is the Isolation

HW Isolation
HW isolation mechanisms are used to isolate almost 2 sub-systems. HW isolation is combined with software solution to implement the isolation
HW isolation mechanisms allowing to
isolate (access control): Secure, Non-secure, Priviledge, Unpriviledge, …
filter: on memory access,
Typical examples are MPU, TrustZone, Firewall, …
Temporal Isolation
Considered only during the sequential flow executed at boot of the system, where the different stages executed can be isolated.

Temporal isolation protects sensitive device assets that are used during the secure boot process, from access by later stages.

Runtime Isolation
Is the ability to have a system with several sub-systems running in parallel, considering 2, 3, 4, … sub-systems of a platform.
Isolating 2 sub-systems can be done using Trust-Zone technology from ARM architecture.

But it could be done also considering integration of 2 cores, use of the MPU (on Cortex-M cores), …

Software IP isolation

2. References