STM32WB Bluetooth® LE – advertising extended

Revision as of 18:08, 12 May 2022 by Registered User

1. Applications description

1.1. Setup

Projects are available into STM32CubeWB[1] package from version v1.14.0.

To run these applications you need 2 of following nucleo boards:

  • Flash the wireless stack according to your device:
- stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_extended_fw.bin (@0x080c7000 for CubeWB v1.14.0)
- stm32wb1x_BLE_Stack_full_extended_fw.bin (@0x08019800 for CubeWB v1.14.0)
  • Flash applications BLE_p2pServer_Ext and BLE_p2pClient_Ext on your board couple.

These applications use specific linker files.

1.2. BLE_p2pServer_Ext application

The application is based on BLE_p2pServer application.
In this application you can configure up to 8 advertising sets.
Additional files adv_ext_app.c and adv_ext_app.h has been added to support the new feature, composed of functions below:

  • ADV_EXT_Config() configure the advertising sets, some are predifined and you can update according to your needs.
  • ADV_EXT_Start() perform the configuration in several steps, details are displayed the console.
    • read number of set and memory parameters supported by BLE stack configuration
    • perform the configuration of each sets using function aci_gap_adv_set_configuration()
    • set a random address if requested using function hci_le_set_advertising_set_random_address()
    • build the data to advertise if no data provided, function ADV_EXT_Build_data()
    • transfert to the stack data to advertise, function ADV_EXT_Set_data()
      • aci_gap_adv_set_adv_data() function is used exept for scannable sets where aci_gap_adv_set_scan_resp_data() is used
      • data has to be sent by slice of 251 bytes max
      • each slice has to be tagged HCI_SET_ADV_DATA_OPERATION_FIRST / INTERNEDIATE / LAST or COMPLETE
    • enable the advertising set with function aci_gap_adv_set_enable()

1.2.1. Advertising set configuration

Type Name Description
uint8_t enable 0 to disable advertising set
uint8_t Adv_Set_t->Advertising_Handle Handle to identify the set
uint8_t Adv_Set_t->Duration Duration in 10ms unit, 0 is no duration
uint8_t Adv_Set_t->Max_Extended_Advertising_Events Number of events max, 0 is no maximun
uint8_t* data Pointer to the data set in the payload, if null data will be generated
uint16_t data_len Number of data to use
uint8_t* username[] Complete local name
uint8_t sid ID of the advertising set
uint16_t property Mask to define set properties, connectable/scannable/legacy
uint16_t interval_min Low limit of advertising interval
uint16_t interval_max High limit of advertising interval
int8_t tx_power Advertising TX power in dBm
uint8_t adv_channels RF channel map selection
uint8_t address_type Own address type
uint8_t peer_address_type Address type of the peer device
uint8_t* p_peer_address Address of the peer device

A structure holds parameters to create an advertising set, following parameters are available:

  • uint8_t enable
  • Adv_Set_t
    • uint8_t Advertising_Handle Handle to identify the set
    • uint16_t Duration Duration in 10ms unit, 0 is no duration
    • uint8_t Max_Extended_Advertising_Events Number of events max, 0 is no maximun
  • uint8_t* data Pointer to the data set in the payload
  • uint16_t data_len Number of data to use
  • uint8_t sid ID of the advertising set
  • uint16_t property Mask to define the property of the set, connectable / scannable / legacy
  • uint16_t interval_min Low limit of adv interval
  • uint16_t interval_max High limit of adv interval
  • int8_t tx_power Advertising TX power. Units: dBm
  • uint8_t adv_channels Advertising channel map
  • uint8_t address_type Own address type
  • uint8_t peer_address_type Address type of the peer device
  • uint8_t* p_peer_address Address of the peer device
  • char username[30] Complete local name

1.3. BLE_p2pClient_Ext application

Application demonstrates scanning of advertising with extended API’s.
The output is printed over ST-Link UART @115200 bauds.
Nucleo buttons offers following functions:

  • SW1: stop the scan and connect to a server if any detected.
  • SW2: toggle a filter on extended result only.
  • SW3: stop/start scanning, blue LED reflects the status.

Scanning is started using aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc() function.
Scanning is stopped using aci_gap_terminate_gap_proc() function.
Scan events are received, analysed and printed on the console.

  • payload is analysed to print COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME AD element.
BLE_p2pClient_Ext console output sample

2. Feature specific points

An application have to give some specific parameters to the stack to use extended advertising. These parameters are located in app_conf.h file.

  • 2 parameters allows to define capacity of the stack for this feature, transmitted into ble_init_cmd_packet stucture.
    • CFG_BLE_MAX_ADV_SET_NBR is the max number of advertising set supported, up to 8.
    • CFG_BLE_MAX_ADV_DATA_LEN is the max data length of each advertising set, up to 1650.

These 2 last parameters have limitations due to memory constraints. Depending on your application you can use for instance:

  • STM32WB55
-3 x 1650
-8 x 200
  • STM32WB15
-2 x 1650
-8 x 200

Note number of link must be at least up to the number of advertising set supported.

2.1. Memory management

The scatter file has to be updated with following rules (provided in application projects) :

  • STM32BW55 :
-The RAM_A shared range shall be reduced to memory range [0x20030000:0x200307FF]
-The Mail-box buffers(MB_MEM1, MB_MEM2) shall be located in RAM_B shared defined in memory range [0x20038000:0x2003A7FF]
-The RAM_B shared shall be addded to Total_RAM_region
  • STM32WB15

3. Auxiliary packet introduction

The PDU payload of primary advertising channels can vary in length from 6 to 37 bytes (6 bytes for addresses, remaining 31 bytes for data). In Extended Advertising, secondary advertising channels are used to reach up to 1650 bytes of payload.

The advertising packets on primary channels contain the information in which secondary advertising channel and the offset to the start time the auxiliary data will be transmitted.

Aux packet

4. Advertising Extended NoConn_NoScan

Primary and auxiliary segments-NO SCANNABLE/NO CONNECTABLE Segments timing implementation:

  • Both primary/auxiliary segments belong to the same scheduled slot for all fragmentations policy (length depends on data size)
  • Channel of AUX_ADV_IND (+request and response) are randomly selected when set is ACTIVATED
  • Chained channels follow a hopping of 1 increment
Example of no scannable/no connectable set

5. Advertising Extended Scannable

Primary and auxiliary segments-SCANNABLE The scannable undirected event type using the ADV_EXT_IND PDU allows any scanner to respond with a scan request to receive scan response data on the secondary advertising physical channel

  • Only Auxiliary segment could be scanned, and Data could only be contained in the scan response.
  • A scanner may send a scan request using the AUX_SCAN_REQ PDU on the same secondary advertising channel index as the received AUX_ADV_IND
Example of scannable set

6. Advertising Extended Connectable

Primary and auxiliary segments- CONNECTABLE The connectable directed advertising event type using ADV_EXT_IND allows an initiator to respond with a connect request on the secondary advertising physical channel to establish an ACL connection

  • After every AUX_ADV_IND PDU related to this event it sends, the advertiser shall listen for AUX_CONNECT_REQ PDUs on the same secondary advertising channel index.
Example of connectable set

7. Advertising set management

Creation of an advertising set is composed of 3 main steps

  • Configuration using aci_gap_set_configuration() function
  • Data filling with Set_ext_data() application function composed of following commands
    • An operation parameter must be identified  (HCI_SET_ADV_DATA_OPERATION_FIRST / INTERMEDIATE / LAST or COMPLETE)
    • Compute data pointer and data length
    • Finally use commands aci_gap_adv_set_scan_resp_data() for scannable else use aci_gap_adv_set_adv_data() 
  • Start of the advertising set using aci_gap_adv_set_enable() function

8. Commands sequence

Commands sequence

9. ACI-HCI Messages

9.1. Commands

Command Comment Use in application
aci_gap_adv_set_configuration Set the extended advertising configuration for one advertising set BLE_p2pServer_Ext
aci_gap_adv_set_adv_data Set the data used in extended advertising PDUs that have a data field BLE_p2pServer_Ext
aci_gap_adv_set_scan_resp_data Provide scan response data used during extended advertising BLE_p2pServer_Ext
aci_gap_adv_set_enable Enable or disable one or more extended advertising sets BLE_p2pServer_Ext
hci_le_read_maximum_advertising_data_length read the maximum length of data supported by the Controller for use as advertisement data or scan response data in an extended advertising event BLE_p2pServer_Ext
hci_le_read_number_of_supported_advertising_sets read the maximum number of advertising sets supported by the Controller at the same time during extended advertising BLE_p2pServer_Ext
aci_gap_adv_set_random_address Set the random device address of an advertising set configured to use specific random address BLE_p2pServer_Ext
aci_gap_adv_remove_set Remove an advertising set from the controller Not used
aci_gap_adv_clear_sets Aci_gap_adv_clear_sets Not used
hci_le_set_extended_scan_parameters set the extended scan parameters to be used on the advertising physical channels BLE_p2pClient_Ext
hci_le_set_extended_scan_enable enable or disable extended scanning BLE_p2pClient_Ext

9.2. Events

Command Comment Use in applications
hci_le_extended_advertising_report_event Indicate that a Bluetooth device has responded to an active scan or has broadcast advertisements that were received during a passive scan BLE_p2pClient_Ext
hci_le_advertising_set_terminated_event Indicate that the Controller has terminated advertising in the advertising sets specified by the Advertising_Handle parameter Not used
hci_le_scan_request_received_event Indicate that a SCAN_REQ PDU or an AUX_SCAN_REQ PDU has been received by the advertiser BLE_p2pClient_Ext
hci_le_scan_timeout_event Indicates that scanning has ended because the duration has expired Not used

10. References