1. Fixed issues
ID |
62974 |
Conditional breakpoints now works with OpenOCD.
70505 |
Implemented a newlib-malloc solution that is thread safe by default.
95809 |
On Fedora®, the installation now depends on webkit2gtk3, which solves the issue of the Information Center not rendered properly.
99895 |
Implemented a project-less debug solution using the elf file.
101540 |
Changed the behavior of the "Reset the chip and restart debug session" button, from Software-Reset to NRST.
102358 |
Fixed problem with installing on case-sensitive macOS® systems.
107086 |
Miscellaneous flags through the MCU GCC compiler are now processed correctly.
2. Known issues
The known issues are split into general, OS-specific, and target-specific issues.
2.1. General issues
ID |
56223 |
The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than 2.0).
59435 |
Having a space or non-ASCII character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully supported.
63212 |
Editor hyperlinks sometimes jump to declaration instead of definition.
63624 |
Some STM32CubeMX pop-up dialogs are not opened in front of the STM32CubeIDE workbench on all OS's.
68184 |
Hierarchical projects cannot be imported with the option Copy into workspace.
68440 |
Hierarchical projects cannot be renamed.
74251 |
SWV Exception Trace log data tab displays a peripheral column, which is always empty.
89454 |
Restart configuration only works for flash memory projects and not for RAM projects.
100895 |
Editing live expressions while target is running does not work with SEGGER J-Link.
107869 |
[New in 1.7.0] The live expressions feature can not be enabled at the same time as the RTOS proxy while using ST-LINK GDB server.
109764 |
[New in 1.7.0] FreeRTOS™ kernel-aware debugging: Full stack traces off all tasks do not work if configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION 1
2.2. OS-specific issues
2.2.1. macOS®
ID |
83159[1] |
After updating STM32CubeIDE to a new version, the post-update restart fails on Linux® and macOS®. STM32CubeIDE must be restarted manually.
85064 |
Some macOS® versions report installation image corruption. This can be circumvented using the command: xattr -c /Applications/STM32CubeIDE.app
101005[1] |
New JRE™ bundling does not automatically import private certificate authorities, that are needed for secure connections. See the following knowledge article for a solution here.
2.2.2. Linux®
ID |
77518 |
STM32CubeIDE has limited support on Wayland.
83159[1] |
After updating STM32CubeIDE to a new version, the post-update restart fails on Linux® and macOS®. STM32CubeIDE must be restarted manually.
101005[1] |
New JRE™ bundling does not automatically import private certificate authorities, that are needed for secure connections. See the following knowledge article for a solution here.
2.3. Target-specific issues
2.3.1. STM32MP1
ID |
73456 |
The SFRs view is not aware of the device tree configuration and consequently shows all peripherals regardless if they are managed by the Cortex®-M or not.
73895 |
Debugging in production mode requires a network connection. If STM32CubeIDE is configured to use a network proxy, then the IP address of the STM32MP1 board needs to be added to the "Proxy bypass" list.
73896 |
The synchronization check between the IP-address entered in launch configuration and the IP-address of the target does not abort the launch in case of mismatch.
2.3.2. STM32H7
ID |
73552 |
Serial Wire Viewer configuration is not reset for STM32H7 devices on the next launch if it was terminated with record active when using ST-LINK GDB server.
79658 |
ST-LINK GDB server reports being suspended on address: 0x05F0001 when debugging STM32H7 dual-core devices and the core under debug goes to sleep.
81763 |
OpenOCD does not support debugging STM32H7 dual-core devices when the core under debug goes to sleep.
2.3.3. STM32U5
ID |
109124 |
[New in 1.7.0] When creating a debug configuration using ST-LINK GDB server, the SWD frequency must manually be changed from auto to a maximum of 8000 kHz.
1. Same limitation for Linux® and macOS®