1. Introduction[edit | edit source]
This article is intended for Yocto experts, or people who have some practical experience of the Yocto environmment.
This section describes the steps needed to create and configure a demo layer using DeviceTree files from the STM32CubeMX tool, and to add and configure a machine similar to those already supported by the OpenSTLinux Distribution Package (in particular the machine delivered inside the existing STM32MP BSP layer 'addons').
Reminder: this addon-layer is deployed under the following path in the delivery : <path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-addons/
2. Creating a new open embedded layer for your demo[edit | edit source]
You first need to create a new layer. See the latest How to create a new open embedded layer
After creation, you have under <path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/:
$ tree meta-my-demo-layer
├── conf
│ └── layer.conf
├── recipes-example
│ └── example
│ └── example.bb
3 directories, 4 files
2.1. Update layer.conf file[edit | edit source]
Open the layer.conf file and add the lines below for the licenses, demo layer path, and dependency with the STM32MP BSP layer 'addons' :
stm32mpmydemo = "${LAYERDIR}/conf/eula/${MACHINE}" EULA_FILE_ST_MD5SUM:stm32mpmydemo = "8b505090fb679839cefbcc784afe8ce9" #Inform bitbake for adding another location to search for licenses LICENSE_PATH += "${LAYERDIR}/files/licenses" # Set a variable to get the STM32MP MX BSP location STM32MP_MY_DEMO_BASE = "${LAYERDIR}" # This should only be incremented on significant changes that may # cause compatibility issues with other layers LAYERVERSION_meta-my-demo-layer = "1" LAYERDEPENDS_meta-my-demo-layer = "stm-st-stm32mp-mx" # OpenEmbedded compatibility information # This should only be incremented on significant changes that will # cause compatibility issues with other layers LAYERVERSION_meta-my-demo-layer = "1" LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-my-demo-layer = "mickledore"EULA_FILE_ST:
![]() |
LAYERSERIES_COMPAT must be aligned with the version of OpenEmbedded used. Please refer to https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Releases |
2.2. Create the machine for your demo[edit | edit source]
2.2.1. Prepare the machine configuration file[edit | edit source]
- Copy the machine delivered inside the existing STM32MP BSP layer 'addons' into your demo layer
<path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-addons/conf/machine/stm32mpXX-mx.conf <path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-my-demo-layer/conf/machine/stm32mp<X>-demo.confcp
- Open stm32mp<X>-demo.conf and update the line below
layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-addons#@NEEDED_BSPLAYERS: layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe layers/meta-openembedded/meta-python
- Add these lines after the series of includes:
stm32mpmydemo"# Define specific common machine name MACHINEOVERRIDES .= ":
2.2.2. Configure the machine configuration file for your demo[edit | edit source]
In the customer machine file, move to User machine customization sections paragraph to configure your machine:
- Boot Scheme
- To select your boot scheme configuration(s), comment and uncomment the BOOTSCHEME_LABELS lines.
- Boot Device Choice
- To select your boot device configuration(s), comment and uncomment the BOOTDEVICE_LABELS lines.
- Support Feature Choice
- To select additional features to enable on board, uncomment the "MACHINE_FEATURES" proposed lines.
- Specific firmwares and kernel modules configuration
- This section allows user to configure some specificites related to its board hardware.
- - KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD you may need to feed this variable with the list of kernel modules that need to be loaded at boot time, such as 'goodix' for current touch-screen used on STM32MP157F-EV1 evaluation board.
- - BLUETOOTH_LIST in case you enable the bluetooth feature for your machine, you should set, at least, the firmware module to use for your hardware (e.g. 'linux-firmware-bluetooth-bcm4343' for STM32MP157F-DK2 discovery board).
- - WIFI_LIST in case you enable the wifi feature for your machine, you should set, at least, the firmware module to use for your hardware (e.g.'linux-firmware-bcm43430' for STM32MP157F-DK2 discovery board).
- CubeMX Project config
- You have to uncomment and configure the following variables to set your CubeMX project:
- - CUBEMX_DTB name of CubeMX generated device tree files, without file extension (e.g. stm32mp135f-<ProjectName>-mx)
- - CUBEMX_PROJECT path of CubeMX generated device tree files relative to layer path folder (e.g. mx/STM32MP135F-DK/my-demo/DeviceTree/my-demo)
- - CUBEMX_SOC_PACKAGE indicates (in upper case) which STM32MP package is used:
- - A: no crypt
- - C: crypt
- - D: no crypt, performance
- - F: crypt, performance
- This setting allows to set on Optee-os build the CFG_STM32_CRYP config switch to manage the presence of crypt hardware or not.
- - CUBEMX_BOARD_DDR_SIZE indicates the size of DDR available on BOARD in MB unit:
- - 512: 521MB size
- - 1024: 1GB size
- This setting allows to set on Optee-os build the CFG_DRAM_SIZE config switch.
- - CUBEMX_SOC_DVFS_OFF indicates if you like to disable the DVFS which are activated by default.
- - 0: Nothing specific done extra configuration switch defined
- - 1: Manage extra config switch for Optee-os build
In order to give a better view on how to configure these variables, some machine samples are provided to show how to set-up a disco and eval board CubeMX machine: refer to conf/machine/examples from meta-st-stm32mp-addons layer.
2.3. Associate EULA with the new demo machine[edit | edit source]
Copy the eula folder delivered inside the existing STM32MP BSP layer 'addons' into your demo layer
<path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-addons/conf/eula/ <path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-my-demo-layer/conf/.cp -Rf
Cleanup unexpected symbolic links from eula folder newly populated:
<path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-my-demo-layer/conf/eula -type l -exec rm -f {} \;find
Then create the symbolic link with the machine used for your demo:
<path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-my-demo-layer/conf/eula ln -sf ST_EULA_SLA stm32mpX-democd
2.4. Move DeviceTree files and project coming from STM32CubeMX tool[edit | edit source]
The principle is that the user generates devicetree files for the targeted demo from the STM32CubeMX tool.
These files are then moved into the “mx” folder created into your demo layer : <path of OpenSTLinux distribution delivery>/layers/meta-st/meta-my-demo-layer/mx/
Sub-folders are created and populated with the generated devicetree files:
With CUBEMX_PROJECT that is equal to the value defined inside the machine used for the demo.
2.5. Update the README file[edit | edit source]
Please update the README file with the information needed for building and executing the demo.
2.6. Clean up useless content[edit | edit source]
You can delete the content of the recipes-example folder created by the create-layer command.
After making all of the updates, your demo layer should be similar to:
$ tree meta-my-demo-layer
├── conf
│ ├── eula
│ │ ├── ST_EULA_SLA
│ │ ├── stm32mp''X''-demo -> ST_EULA_SLA
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── machine
│ │ └── stm32mp''X''-demo.conf
│ └── layer.conf
├── mx
│ ├── kernel
│ │ └── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx.dts
│ ├── optee-os
│ │ └── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx.dts
│ ├── tf-a
│ │ ├── stm32mpXX-mx.dtsi
│ │ ├── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx.dts
│ │ └── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx-fw-config.dts
│ └── u-boot
│ ├── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx.dts
│ └── stm32mpXXXx-my-demo-mx-u-boot.dtsi
3. Adding specific recipes and content necessary for your demo[edit | edit source]
Examples of further add-on components:
- Recipes for installing distro-specific configuration files
- Any image recipes specific to user distribution
- A psplash append file for a branded splash screen
- Any other append files to make custom changes
Some other added components (*bb) are more specific: images, system services, and so on (a non-exhaustive list is shown below):
- Recipes-core for psplash screen, systemd services
- Recipes-samples for example images