1. Command-line options[edit | edit source]
Here are a few commonly-used command line options for BitBake.
Option | Meaning |
-c <task> | execute <task> for the image or recipe being built. ex: bitbake -c fetch busybox.
Some of the possible tasks are: fetch, configure, compile, package, clean |
-f | force execution of the operation, even if not required |
-k | Continue as much as possible after an error.
While the target that failed and anything depending on it cannot be built, as much as possible will be built before stopping. |
-b | execute tasks from a specific .bb recipe directly. This does not handle any dependencies from other recipes.
bitbake -b ../meta-st/meta-st-cannes2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-stm_local.bb -f -c compile
-v | show verbose output |
-DDD | show lots of debug information |
-s | show recipe version information |
-e | output recipe environment variables
bitbake -e <recipe>
--help | get usage help |
-c listtasks <image-or-recipe-name> | show the tasks associated with an image or individual recipe |
-g <recipe> | output dependency tree in graphviz format
bitbake -g <recipe>
dot -v -Tpng -o package-depends.png package-depends.dot
dot -v -Tpng -o pn-depends.png pn-depends.dot
dot -v -Tsvg -o task-depends.svg task-depends.dot
Here are a few examples of command line options for BitBake.
How to | Command | Comment |
How to get the version of packages | bitbake -s | |
How to get the Image package list | bitbake <image> -g | Then: cat pn-buildlist |
How to clean a module | bitbake <module> -f -c cleanall | |
How to clean an image | bitbake <image> - c cleanall | |
How to load the packages to a local hard drive | bitbake <image> -f -c fetchall | or bitbake --runall fetch st-image-weston |
How to get the list of tasks | bitbake <image> -f -c listtasks | |
How to display all appends | bitbake-layers show-appends | |
How to display all layers | bitbake <recipe-or-image-name> -g -u depexp | |
How to configure the kernel | bitbake <kernel_module> -c menuconfig | kernel module : linux-stm32 |
How to make an SDK relocatable image | bitbake <image> -c populate_sdk | self-extracting image available in tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk |
2. .bb file syntax[edit | edit source]
This table lists some of the syntaxes found in recipe (.bb) files.
Syntax | Meaning | Notes |
VAR = "foo"
simple assignment | |
VAR ?= "foo"
assign if no other value is already assigned (default assignment) | |
VAR ??=foo
weak default assignment | takes lower precedence than ?= |
VAR = "stuff ${OTHER_VAR} more"
variable expansion | OTHER_VAR expanded at time of reference to VAR |
VAR := "stuff ${OTHER_VAR} more"
immediate variable expansion | OTHER_VAR expanded when parsing this line |
VAR += "foo"
append with space | |
VAR =+ "foo"
prepend with space | |
VAR .= "foo"
append without space | |
VAR =. "foo"
prepend without space | |
VAR_append = "foo"
append without space | |
OVERRIDES="string1:string2" VAR = "foo" VAR_string1 = "bar"
alternate/override value | if string1 is listed in OVERRIDES, use "bar" for value of VAR, otherwise use "foo" |
OVERRIDES="string1:string2" VAR = "foo" VAR_append_string1 = " bar"
conditional append | if string1 is in OVERRIDES, then append " bar" to the value of VAR |
BBVERSIONS="1.0 1.8 string" VAR="foo" VAR_string="bar"
range-specific conditional | If the version of the package is in the specified range (1.0-1.8 in this example), then perform an override on the indicated variable |
VAR = "foo ${@<line-of-python-code>}"
python code expansion | ex: VAR = "the date is: ${@time.strftime(’%Y%m%d’,time.gmtime())}" |
include foo
include file | include file named "foo", search BBPATH |
require [<path>]foo
require file | include file named "foo", failing if not found exactly where specified |
do_sometask() {
<shell code>
define a task using shell code | |
python do_sometask {
<python code>
define a task using python code | |
addtask sometask (before|after) other_task
add a task | adds a defined task to the list of tasks, with a specific ordering. Zero or more 'before' or 'after' clauses can be used. |
VAR [some_flag]="foo"
associate a subsidiary flag value to a variable | a few subsidiary flag value names are well-defined: "dirs", "cleandirs", "noexec", "nostamp", "fakeroot", "umask", "deptask", "rdeptask", "recdeptask", "recrdeptask" %%%
Flag values appear to be used exclusively with task definitions (i.e. do_sometask) |
[edit | edit source]
Syntax | Meaning | Notes |
bitbake-layers | Shows information about layers and recipes | Included in the bitbake/bin directory in openembedded source tree. |
bitbake-whatchanged <image> | Shows all changes made since the last generation of image |
bitbake st-image-weston
# Edit the recipes
bitbake-whatchanged st-image-weston
bitbake -g -u depexp <recipe-or-image-name> | Shows dependency information in a graphical interface | |
bitbake -u goggle st-image-weston | simple graphical interface | This is a simple graphical wrapper over the streaming text output of BitBake. It shows collapsible trees for the logs for sub-tasks for each recipe. |
4. Useful links[edit | edit source]
- https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/BitBake_(user)
- http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Main_Page
- Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual
- BitBake Documentation