Last edited 3 years ago

STM32MP15 SYSCFG internal peripheral

1. Article purpose[edit source]

The purpose of this article is to:

  • briefly introduce the SYSCFG peripheral and its main features
  • indicate the level of security supported by this hardware block
  • explain how it can be allocated to the runtime contexts and linked to the corresponding software components
  • explain, when necessary, how to configure the SYSCFG peripheral.

2. Peripheral overview[edit source]

The SYSCFG peripheral is used to configure various system aspects like IOs compensation, Ethernet clocking path, …

2.1. Features[edit source]

Refer to the STM32MP15 reference manuals for the complete list of features, and to the software components, introduced below, to see which features are really implemented in ST software.

2.2. Security support[edit source]

The SYSCFG is a non secure peripheral.

3. Peripheral usage and associated software[edit source]

3.1. Boot time[edit source]

The SYSCFG peripheral is configured by TF-A and U-Boot at boot time.

3.2. Runtime[edit source]

3.2.1. Overview[edit source]

Linux and STM32Cube can directly change the SYSCFG at runtime from various drivers.

For instance, I2C fast mode plus (FM+) can be enabled for each instance in the SYSCFG so:

3.2.2. Software frameworks[edit source]

Domain Peripheral Software components Comment
OP-TEE Linux STM32Cube
Core SYSCFG Linux syscon framework[1] STM32Cube SYSCFG driver

3.2.3. Peripheral configuration[edit source]

The configuration is applied by the firmware running in the context to which the peripheral is assigned. The configuration can be done alone via the STM32CubeMX tool for all internal peripherals, and then manually completed (particularly for external peripherals), according to the information given in the corresponding software framework article.

3.2.4. Peripheral assignment[edit source]

Click on the right to expand the legend...

Domain Peripheral Runtime allocation Comment
Instance Cortex-A7


4. References[edit source]