How to copy and paste in the STM32CubeIDE console

Revision as of 14:42, 21 August 2020 by Registered User (Created page with "==From IDE console to gedit== Selecting a text area in an Opened Console it is possible to copy it to the Clipboard with: '''< CTRL > + < inser >'''. File:Console copy.png...")
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1. From IDE console to gedit[edit source]

Selecting a text area in an Opened Console it is possible to copy it to the Clipboard with: < CTRL > + < inser >.

Showing copying from console

You will then be able to paste with: < CTRL > + V.

Showing when pasting the content.

2. From gedit to STM32CubeIDE console[edit source]

Selecting a text area in your gedit text editor, you usually copy it to the Clipboard with: < CTRL > + C.

It is possible to paste it to the IDE Console with: < SHIFT > + < inser >.