Last edited one year ago

STM32MP157x-EV1 - hardware description

This article provides an overview of STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards.

1. Article purpose[edit source]

This article briefly describes:

  • How to assemble together the different elements provided in the commercial box
  • What are the different components present on the boards
  • How to connect the boards to external material
  • How to configure the board for boot
  • How to select RS232 UART or ST-LINK/V2-1 connectors
  • What are the configurations of the connectors pins

This article is valid for the STM32MP157A-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png, STM32MP157D-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png, STM32MP157C-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png and STM32MP157F-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png Evaluation boards: the part numbers are specified in the STM32MP15 microprocessor part numbers article.

Warning.png This article is only an introduction to the STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation board. Detailed information can be found in the STM32MP157x-EV1 evaluation board user manual.

2. Board assembly[edit source]

The STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards packages (STM32MP157A-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png, STM32MP157D-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png, STM32MP157C-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png and STM32MP157F-EV1 Evaluation board More info.png) include all the items listed below.

Out of the STM32MP157x-EV1 box
STM32MP157A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)
Position Description
1 MB1262 motherboard
2 MB1263 daughterboard
3 MB1230 DSI 720p display
4 MB1379 daughterboard camera
5 microSD card
6 Power supply block (5V, 3A)

The following figures explain how to assemble these different items to get the STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards.

STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation board assembly
STM32MP157A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)
STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation board assembled
STM32MP157A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

3. Board overview[edit source]

Position Description
1 MB1262 motherboard
2 MB1263 daughterboard
3 MB1230 DSI 720p display
4 (CN7) MB1379 daughterboard camera
5 microSD card
Position Description Position Description
10 (CN3) Ethernet 11 (CN8) Microphone MEMS daughterboard connector
12 (CN4) Speaker audio output 13 (CN5) Headset audio output
14 (U8) Audio codec (Wolfson WM8994) 15 (CN1) SPDIF RX (input)
16 (CN2) SPDIF TX (output) 17 (U5) SmartCard (back side slot)
18 (LD1) Ethernet LED (green)[LEDs 1] 19 (CN6) Ethernet daughterboard connector
20 (U10) Trace connector 21 (CN11) LTDC connector
22 (CN12) RS232 (UART4) 23 (CN13) External E2P connector
24 (CN16) USB micro-AB (OTG) 25 (LD2) USB OTG LED (green)[LEDs 2]
26 (LD3) USB Type-A LED (red)[LEDs 3] 27 (CN17) MFX header 4 pins
28 (CN14) JTAG connector 29 (CN15) CAN FD
30 (CN18) 2 USB Type-A (host) 31 (CN20) 2 USB Type-A (host)
32 (B2) Reset button 33 (B1) Joystick
34 (CN22) Motor control connector 35 (CN21) GPIO expansion connector
STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation board front side
STM32MP157A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)
Position Description Position Description
50 (B1) Reset button 51 (LD2) User LED (red)[LEDs 4]
52 (B2) User button (PA13) 53 (LD3) User LED (green)[LEDs 4]
54 (B3) User button (PA14) 55 (LD5) User LED (blue)[LEDs 4]
56 (LD4) User LED (orange)[LEDs 4] 57 (B4) Wakeup button
58 (LD1) Power LED (green)[LEDs 5] 59 (CN1) MB1263 power 5V-3A
60 (SW1) Boot mode selection 61 (U3) PMIC (STPMIC1A)
62 (LD6) ST-LINK/V2-1 LED (bicolor)[LEDs 6] 63 (CN4) USB micro-B (ST-LINK/V2-1)
64 (U4) STM32MP157x 18x18 65 (U5) eMMC
66 (U6/U7) 2 x DDR3L 16 bits 67 (µSD) microSD 3.0 card (back side slot)

Details about some LEDs:

  1. LD1 (MB1262): flashes green when Ethernet connection established
  2. LD2 (MB1262): turns green when USB OTG connection established
  3. LD3 (MB1262): turns red if USB Type-A connection established
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 LD2, LD3, LD4, LD5 (MB1263): some user LEDs are used to reflect the system activity, while the others are left free to be used by the application, as explained in LEDs and buttons on STM32 MPU boards article
  5. LD1 (MB1263): turns green if power connection established
  6. LD6 (MB1263): flashes red if ST-LINK/V2-1 connection not established, else green

4. Board connection[edit source]

The connections shown in the picture below are the ones recommended to start with the STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards. As shown in the board overview, other connectors are available for this board (for example CAN).

MB1262 motherboardMB1263 daughterboard: STM32MP157x 18x18  PMIC  DDR3MB1230 DSI 720p displayMB1379 daughterboard cameraMicroSD card slotMB1263 power 5V-3AUSB micro-B (ST-LINK/V2-1) → PC virtual COM port and debugDisplay ledsReset button2 x USB type A (host) → E.g. mouse  keyboard  USB driver...2 x USB type A (host) → E.g. mouse  Keyboard  USB driver...UART → PC consoleEthernet → Network
STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation board connections

STM32MP157A-EV1 shown here (picture is not contractual)

5. Switches and jumpers[edit source]

Most of default settings of the switches and jumpers shall be kept as set in the commercial box.

There are 3 main exceptions:

  • the jumpers related to UART4
  • the switches related to boot
  • the jumper JP1 that must be removed

The picture and sections below detail the main boot switches and the UART4 jumpers.

MB1263 zoom on some switches and jumpers

5.1. Boot related switches[edit source]

The STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards can boot from different Flash devices (microSD, eMMC...); using the microSD card is recommended.

Boot modes
Boot mode Boot 2 Boot 1 Boot 0
Engineering boot 1 0 0
NOR 0 0 1
microSD card 1 0 1
eMMC 0 1 0
NAND 0 1 1
Forced USB boot
for flashing
0 0 0

The boot related switches (SW1 on the board overview picture) must be configured as illustrated by one of the following pictures:

Engineering boot
Boot from NOR
Boot from microSD card
Boot from eMMC
Boot from NAND
Forced USB boot for flashing

5.2. UART4 related jumpers: RS232 or ST-LINK/V2-1?[edit source]

The UART4 is shared exclusively between 2 connectors:

  • RS232, D-type, 9-pin connector (CN12 on the board overview picture), dedicated to communication through RS232,
  • USB micro-B (ST-LINK/V2-1) (CN4 on the board overview picture), dedicated to the RS232 of ST-LINK/V2-1 controller

The connection is switched by setting JP4 and JP5 jumpers as shown in following pictures:

UART4 is connected to the RS232, D-type, 9-pins CN12 connector
UART4 is connected to the USB micro-B ST-LINK/V2-1 CN4 connector

6. GPIO mapping[edit source]

6.1. Motor control connector[edit source]

The pins of the motor control connector (CN22 on the board overview picture) are described in the following table.
Due to the sharing of some IOs by multiple peripherals, the motor control interface is not enabled by default, and the motor control cannot be operated simultaneously with the camera, audio codec, CAN and GPIO expansion (GPIO6, 7 and 12): more details (e.g. enabling the motor control interface) in the STM32MP157x-EV1 evaluation board user manual.

Warning.png The pin 1 position (upper left) on this figure is the opposite compared to the board (bottom right)
Motor control connector
Description Function STM32 pin Pin Pin STM32 pin Function Description
Emergency Stop TIM8_BKIN PA6 1 2 - - GND
MC_UH TIM8_CH1 PI5 3 4 - - GND
MC_UL TIM8_CH1N PH13 5 6 - - GND
MC_VH TIM8_CH2 PI6 7 8 - - GND
MC_VL TIM8_CH2N PH14 9 10 - - GND
MC_WH TIM8_CH3 PI7 11 12 - - GND
MC_WL TIM8_CH3N PH15 13 14 PA3 ADC_1_IN15 Bus Voltage
PhaseA current ADC_1_IN6 PF12 15 16 - - GND
PhaseB current ADC_1_IN0 ANA0 17 18 - - GND
PhaseC current ADC_2_IN1 ANA1 19 20 - - GND
NTC ByPass GPIO PF3 21 22 - - GND
Dissipative Brake TIM12_CH1 PH6 23 24 - - GND
5V - - 25 26 PF11 ADC_1_IN2 Heatsink Temperature
PFC Sync TIM4_ETR PE0 27 28 - - 3V3
PFC PWM TIM4_CH3 PB8 29 30 - - GND
Encoder A TIM5_CH1 PH10 31 32 - - GND
Encoder B TIM5_CH2 PH11 33 34 PH12 TIM5_CH3 Encoder Index

6.2. GPIO expansion connector[edit source]

The pins of the GPIO expansion connector (CN21 on the board overview picture) are described in the following table:

Warning.png The pin 1 position (upper left) on this figure is the opposite compared to the board (bottom right)
GPIO expansion connector
Function STM32 pin Pin Pin STM32 pin Function
3V3 - 1 2 - 5V
GPIO2 / I2C5_SDA[EX 1] PA12 3 4 - 5V
GPIO3 / I2C5_SCL[EX 1] PA11 5 6 - GND
GPIO4 / MCO1 PI11 7 8 PB10 GPIO14 / USART3_TX
GND - 9 10 PB12 GPIO15 / USART3_RX
GPIO17 / USART3_RTS PG8 11 12 PI5 GPIO18 / SAI2_SCKA [EX 2]
GPIO27 / SDMMC3_D3 PD7 13 14 - GND
3V3 - 17 18 PF0 GPIO24 / SDMMC3_D0
GPIO10 / SPI1_MOSI PZ2 19 20 - GND
GPIO9 / SPI1_MISO PZ1 21 22 PF4 GPIO25 / SDMMC3_D1
GPIO11 / SPI1_SCK PZ0 23 24 PZ3 GPIO8 / SPI1_NSS
GND - 25 26 - GPIO7 / RPI_GPIO7
ID_SD / I2C2_SDA PH5 27 28 PH4 ID_SC / I2C2_SCL
GPIO5 / MCO2 PG2 29 30 - GND
GPIO6 / TIM2_CH4 PA3 31 32 PH6 GPIO12 / TIM12_CH1
GPIO13 / TIM8_CH4 PI2 33 34 - GND
GPIO19 / SAI2_FSA[EX 2] PI7 35 36 PI10 GPIO16 / USART3_CTS
GPIO26 / SDMMC3_D2 PF5 37 38 PI6 GPIO20 / SAI2_SDA[EX 2]
GND - 39 40 PF11 GPIO21 / SAI2_SDB[EX 2]
  1. 1.0 1.1 The I2C5 is shared between the I2C EXT connector and the GPIO expansion connector. By default, the I2C5 is connected to the I2C EXT connector thanks to Solder Bridges: more details in the STM32MP157x-EV1 evaluation board user manual.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The SAI2 is shared between the audio codec and the GPIO expansion connector. By default, the SAI2 is connected to the audio codec thanks to Solder Bridges: more details in the STM32MP157x-EV1 evaluation board user manual.

6.3. JTAG connector[edit source]

The pins of the JTAG connector (CN14 on the board overview picture) are described in the following table:

JTAG connector
Function Pin Pin Function
Power 1 2 Power
Pull down 11 12 GND
JTDO / SWO 13 14 GND
NRST 15 16 GND
Pull down 17 18 GND
pull down 19 20 GND

6.4. User buttons and LEDs[edit source]

The GPIO assignments for the user buttons and LEDs are described in the following table. Refer to LEDs and buttons on STM32 MPU boards article to get information on the functional mapping for each one.

GPIO for user buttons and LEDs
LED color and label Button label GPIO
Green LD3 (*) USER1 (*) PA14
Red LD2 (*) USER2 (*) PA13
Orange LD4 - PD8
Blue LD5 - PD9
Warning.png (*) Both a LED and a button are connected to the same GPIO, with inverted logic for the LED control (so the LED is switched on when the GPIO output is set to low).