Getting started with GPIO

This article explain what is and how to use GPIO through examplesl

1. GPIO definition

Stands for General Purpose Input/Output. GPIO is a type of pin found on an integrated circuit that does not have a specific function. While most pins have a dedicated purpose, such as sending a signal to a certain component, the function of a GPIO pin is customizable and can be controlled by software.

2. Configure GPIO for LED toggling

2.1. Objective

  • Learn how to setup the pin and GPIO port in STM32CubeMX
  • Modify the code generated by STM32CubeMX and use the HAL functions

2.2. How

  • Configure the GPIO pin in STM32CubeMX and generate the code
  • Add into the project the HAL_Delay function and HAL_GPIO_Toggle function
  • Verify the correct functionality on toggling LED

2.3. Create the project in STM32CubeMX

  • New project > Access to board selector on main panel or Menu > File > New Project
  • Select NUCLEO-L476RG


  • if you have chosen to start the project with a board, the LED pin is already setted (PA5 on NucleoL476RG, for other board check the user manual)

LedPinGPIO.png LED UM GPIO.png

Note: whenever you download a firmware package with STM32CubeMX you have existing examples. You can find them for example here: c:\Users\YourUserName\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_G0_V1.3.0\Projects\NUCLEO-G071RB\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_IOToggle\GPIO_IOToggle.ioc and open them with STM32CubeMX.

2.3.1. GPIO configuration
  • Select the Push-pull mode
  • No pull-up and pull-down
  • Output speed to VERY HIGH is important for faster peripherals like SPI, USART

File:GPIO config.png

2.3.2. GPIO(Pin) output speed configuration
  • Change the rising and falling edge when the pin state changes from high to low or low to high
  • A higher GPIO speed increases the EMI noise from STM32 and increases the STM32 consumption
  • It is good to adapt the GPIO speed with the peripheral speed. Ex.: Toggling GPIO on 1Hz is LOW optimal settings, but with SPI on 45MHz the VERY HIGH must be set

File:GPIO Speed.png

2.3.3. Set the project details for generation

File:Manage GPIO Project.png

2.3.4. Open the main.c in our IDE
  • We do the LED toggling in a function inside main.c
  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)
  /* USER CODE END 3 */

2.4. Compile and flash

  • Every 500ms the green LED state changes.