1. Scan for available Bluetooth devices
hcitool scan
Scanning ...
A0:AF:BD:3B:26:61 lmecxl0923
B0:55:08:40:33:84 HUAWEI P8 lite 2017
2. Setting the device to Visible
To control the visiblity of our Bluetooth device to other Bluetooth hardware.
- to enable visibility:
hciconfig hciX piscan
(hciX corresponds to the available Bluetooth hardware: hci0)
- To disable visibility:
hciconfig hciX noscan
(hciX corresponds to the available Bluetooth hardware: hci0)
3. How to scan via bluetoothd/systemd
Systemd provides a tool for Bluetooth management: bluetoothctl.
Example session with bluetoothclt for scanning, pairing, connecting:
[NEW] Controller 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC stm32mp1 [default]
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC Powered: yes
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent is already registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device D8:DB:36:D1:39:88 STM
[bluetooth]# scan off
[CHG] Controller 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC Discovering: no
Discovery stopped
[bluetooth]#pair D8:DB:36:D1:39:88
Pairing successful
[bluetooth]# connect D8:DB:36:D1:39:88
Connection successful
[STM]# quit
Agent unregistered
[DEL] Controller 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC stm32mp1 [default]