1. Overview[edit source]
OpenEmbedded is a build system to generate distributions via images or to generate a SDK.
A tool is available on OpenEmbedded to step into development with your OpenEmbedded distribution, this tool is named devtool.
This tool allows to:
- add new recipe
- create append on actual recipe by creating bbappend file
- update existing bbappend file
Display devtool help:
$ devtool --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool [--basepath BASEPATH] [--bbpath BBPATH] [-d] [-q] [--color COLOR] [-h] <subcommand> ... OpenEmbedded development tool options: --basepath BASEPATH Base directory of SDK / build directory --bbpath BBPATH Explicitly specify the BBPATH, rather than getting it from the metadata -d, --debug Enable debug output -q, --quiet Print only errors --color COLOR Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never) -h, --help show this help message and exit subcommands: Beginning work on a recipe: add Add a new recipe modify Modify the source for an existing recipe upgrade Upgrade an existing recipe Getting information: status Show workspace status search Search available recipes Working on a recipe in the workspace: build Build a recipe rename Rename a recipe file in the workspace edit-recipe Edit a recipe file in your workspace find-recipe Find a recipe file in your workspace configure-help Get help on configure script options update-recipe Apply changes from external source tree to recipe reset Remove a recipe from your workspace finish Finish working on a recipe in your workspace Testing changes on target: deploy-target Deploy recipe output files to live target machine undeploy-target Undeploy recipe output files in live target machine build-image Build image including workspace recipe packages Advanced: create-workspace Set up workspace in an alternative location import Import exported tar archive into workspace extract Extract the source for an existing recipe sync Synchronize the source tree for an existing recipe export Export workspace into a tar archive Use devtool <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command
2. Examples[edit source]
2.1. Add a new application or a new library[edit source]
2.1.1. Goal[edit source]
The goal is to integrate a new application or a new library on your OpenEmbedded build setup.
The application or library doesn't have any recipe available on any layer referenced by your OpenEmbedded build setup.
Devtool can help you to generate recipe in your OpenEmbedded build setup and more specifically in a layer you manage.
2.1.2. Way of working (step-by-step)[edit source]
1. Create a source directory if does not exist (example 'mysources' in build dir)
$> mkdir mysources/myapp
2. Get the source of application (git clone, extract tarball, ...) and put it in the source directory
3. Add the application to the workspace
$> devtool add myapp mysources/myapp
(devtool create on workspace a recipe for myapp, see description of command devtool add.)
4. Build it:
$> devtool build myapp
5. Deploy to the target device build output (via network access)
$> devtool deploy-target myapp root@<ip of board>
6. Edit source code & repeat 4-5 as necessary
7. Populate the layer with your new recipe
First, make sure to create/enable your custom layer meta-my-custo-layer. For that you can refer to How to create a new open embedded layer article.
$> mkdir ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp $> cp workspace/recipes/myapp/myapp.bb ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp $> mkdir ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp/myapp $> cp mysources/myapp/* ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp/myapp $> cp <appropriated license file> ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp/myapp
Note that all copied files into folder ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-custom/myapp/myapp must be added in SRC_URI field of myapp.bb
Then the new recipe (myapp.bb) must be added inside the custom image you compile
$> cd meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer/recipes-samples/images/
Open my-custom-image.bb and add this line : IMAGE_INSTALL += "myapp"
2.1.3. Material[edit source]
- content of recipe file
$> cat workspace/recipes/myapp/myapp.bb # Recipe created by recipetool # This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional. # (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.) # # WARNING: the following LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values are best guesses - it is # your responsibility to verify that the values are complete and correct. LICENSE = "Unknown" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=6dc31330b6fcb6a82dea131bf3d33d33" # No information for SRC_URI yet (only an external source tree was specified) SRC_URI = "" DEPENDS += “wayland”
inherit cmake # Specify any options you want to pass to cmake using EXTRA_OECMAKE: EXTRA_OECMAKE = ""
Red text: information detected automatically by devtool.
- workspace tree
$> tree workspace/ mysources/ workspace/ |-- appends | `-- myapp.bbappend |-- conf | `-- layer.conf |-- README `-- recipes `-- myapp `-- myapp.bb mysources/ `-- myapp
2.2. modify an existing application or library managed by a recipe on which you have the ownership[edit source]
2.2.1. Goal[edit source]
The goal is to update a recipe owned by you.
On the following example, we take the library libsmaf on which we would like to apply some modifications.
2.2.2. Way of working (step-by-step)[edit source]
1. Create a source directory (example 'mysources' in build dir)
$> mkdir mysources
2. Extract source
$> devtool modify -x libsmaf mysources/libsmaf
(option -x: request to devtool to extract the source code and patch it following
the rules available on libsmaf recipe.)
3. Edit the code and/or commit your changes on local git repository
4. Build it:
$> devtool build libsmaf
5. Deploy to the target device build output (via network access)
$> devtool deploy-target libsmaf root@<ip of board>
6. Edit source code & repeat 3-5 as necessary
7. Write as patches on top of recipe
$> devtool update-recipe -a ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer libsmaf
First, make sure to create/enable your custom layer meta-my-custo-layer. For that you can refer to How to create a new open embedded layer article.
8. Come back to normal (remove the component from workspace)
$> devtool reset libsmaf
2.2.3. Material[edit source]
- modification made by devtool on libsmaf.bb
$> git diff recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf.bb diff git a/recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf.bb b/recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf.bb index 78d5882..6c04a2f 100644 a/recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf.bb +++ b/recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf.bb @@ 8,7 +8,9 @@ PV="1.0+git" inherit autotools gettext pkgconfig -SRC_URI = "git://git.linaro.org/people/benjamin.gaignard/libsmaf.git;protocol=http" +SRC_URI = "git://git.linaro.org/people/benjamin.gaignard/libsmaf.git;protocol=http \ + file://0001Someschanges.patch \ + " S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
Red text: information automatically modified by devtool
$> ls recipessecurity/smaf/libsmaf
Red text: patch file added by devtool
2.3. Create/update an append on application or library[edit source]
2.3.1. Goal[edit source]
The goal are to update (or create) an append made for a specific recipe.
On this example, we take the library pixman on which we are would like to apply some modification.
2.3.2. Way of working (step by step)[edit source]
1. Create a source directory if not exist (here mysources on build dir)
$> mkdir mysources
2. Extract source
$> devtool modify -x pixman mysources/pixman
3. Edit the code and/or commit your change on local git repository
4. Build it:
$> devtool build pixman
5. Deploy to target device build output (via network access)
$> devtool deploy-target pixman root@<ip of board>
6. Edit source code & repeat 3-5 as necessary
7. Write as patches on top of recipe append file
$> devtool update-recipe -a ../meta-st/meta-my-custo-layer pixman
First, make sure to create/enable your custom layer meta-my-custo-layer. For that you can refer to How to create a new open embedded layer article. Then:
8. Come back to normal (remove the component of workspace)
$> devtool reset pixman
2.3.3. Material[edit source]
- content of created append file: pixman.bbapend
$> cat meta-st/meta-st-framework/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/pixman_0.32.6.bbappend # look for files in the layer first FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" SRC_URI += "file://0001-NV12-format-support.patch \ file://0001-Somes-Changes.patch \ "
- tree of append made in your layer
$> tree meta-st/meta-st-framework/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib |-- pixman | |-- 0001-NV12-format-support.patch | `-- 0001-Somes-Changes.patch `-- pixman_0.32.6.bbappend
3. List of devtool commands[edit source]
3.1. Beginning to work on a recipe[edit source]
3.1.1. devtool add[edit source]
Add a new recipe to the workspace
- Help command:
$ devtool add --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool add [-h] [--same-dir | --no-same-dir] [--fetch URI] [--fetch-dev] [--version VERSION] [--no-git] [--srcrev SRCREV | --autorev] [--srcbranch SRCBRANCH] [--binary] [--also-native] [--src-subdir SUBDIR] [--mirrors] [--provides PROVIDES] [recipename] [srctree] [fetchuri] Adds a new recipe to the workspace to build a specified source tree. Can optionally fetch a remote URI and unpack it to create the source tree. arguments: recipename Name for new recipe to add (just name - no version, path or extension). If not specified, will attempt to auto-detect it. srctree Path to external source tree. If not specified, a subdirectory of <WORKSPACE_LAYER_PATH>/workspace/sources will be used. fetchuri Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the source tree options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --same-dir, -s Build in same directory as source --no-same-dir Force build in a separate build directory --fetch URI, -f URI Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the source tree (deprecated - pass as positional argument instead) --fetch-dev For npm, also fetch devDependencies --version VERSION, -V VERSION Version to use within recipe (PV) --no-git, -g If fetching source, do not set up source tree as a git repository --srcrev SRCREV, -S SRCREV Source revision to fetch if fetching from an SCM such as git (default latest) --autorev, -a When fetching from a git repository, set SRCREV in the recipe to a floating revision instead of fixed --srcbranch SRCBRANCH, -B SRCBRANCH Branch in source repository if fetching from an SCM such as git (default master) --binary, -b Treat the source tree as something that should be installed verbatim (no compilation, same directory structure). Useful with binary packages e.g. RPMs. --also-native Also add native variant (i.e. support building recipe for the build host as well as the target machine) --src-subdir SUBDIR Specify subdirectory within source tree to use --mirrors Enable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS for source tree fetching (disable by default). --provides PROVIDES, -p PROVIDES Specify an alias for the item provided by the recipe. E.g. virtual/libgl
- Example
$ devtool add mylibrary <source path/mylibrary>
- Workspace: result of add command
$ tree workspaceworkspace/ |-- appends | `-- mylibrary.bbappend |-- conf | `-- layer.conf |-- README `-- recipes `-- mylibrary `-- mylibrary.bb
.bb: recipe file of mylibrary automatically filled with the information found in mysource/mylibrary directory
.bbappend: recipe file for managing source code of mylibrary via externalsrc class.
3.1.2. devtool modify[edit source]
Modify the source for an existing recipe and add to the workspace.
- Help command:
$ devtool modify --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool modify [-h] [--wildcard] [--extract | --no-extract] [--same-dir | --no-same-dir] [--branch BRANCH] [--keep-temp] recipename [srctree] Sets up the build environment to modify the source for an existing recipe. The default behaviour is to extract the source being fetched by the recipe into a git tree so you can work on it; alternatively if you already have your own pre-prepared source tree you can specify -n/--no-extract. arguments: recipename Name of existing recipe to edit (just name - no version, path or extension) srctree Path to external source tree. If not specified, a subdirectory of <WORKSPACE_LAYER_PATH>//workspace/sources will be used. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --wildcard, -w Use wildcard for unversioned bbappend --extract, -x Extract source for recipe (default) --no-extract, -n Do not extract source, expect it to exist --same-dir, -s Build in same directory as source --no-same-dir Force build in a separate build directory --branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH Name for development branch to checkout (when not using -n/--no-extract) (default "devtool") --keep-temp Keep temporary directory (for debugging)
- Example
$ devtool modify -x mylibrary <source path/mylibrary>
(option -x: request to devtool to extract the source code and patch it on <source path/mylibrary>
following the rule available on mylibrary recipe.
- Workspace:
$ tree workspace
|-- appends
| `-- mylibrary_<version>.bbappend
|-- conf
| `-- layer.conf
`-- recipes
3.1.3. devtool upgrade[edit source]
Upgrade the source of an existing recipe to a new version
- Help command:
$ devtool upgrade --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool upgrade [-h] [--version VERSION] [--srcrev SRCREV] [--srcbranch SRCBRANCH] [--branch BRANCH] [--no-patch] [--same-dir | --no-same-dir] [--keep-temp] recipename [srctree] Upgrades an existing recipe to a new upstream version. Puts the upgraded recipe file into the workspace along with any associated files, and extracts the source tree to a specified location (in case patches need rebasing or adding to as a result of the upgrade). arguments: recipename Name of recipe to upgrade (just name - no version, path or extension) srctree Path to where to extract the source tree. If not specified, a subdirectory of <WORKSPACE_LAYER_PATH>/workspace/sources will be used. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version VERSION, -V VERSION Version to upgrade to (PV) --srcrev SRCREV, -S SRCREV Source revision to upgrade to (required if fetching from an SCM such as git) --srcbranch SRCBRANCH, -B SRCBRANCH Branch in source repository containing the revision to use (if fetching from an SCM such as git) --branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH Name for new development branch to checkout (default "devtool") --no-patch Do not apply patches from the recipe to the new source code --same-dir, -s Build in same directory as source --no-same-dir Force build in a separate build directory --keep-temp Keep temporary directory (for debugging)
- Example
$ devtool upgrade mylib --srcrev <NEW SHA1>
3.2. Getting information[edit source]
3.2.1. devtool status[edit source]
Show workspace status (list of recipe(s) on workspace).
- Help command:
$ devtool status --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool status [-h] Lists recipes currently in your workspace and the paths to their respective external source trees options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ devtool status
3.2.2. devtool search[edit source]
Search available recipes (same as bitbake -s but with matching pattern).
- Help command:
$ devtool search --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool search [-h] keyword Searches for available target recipes. Matches on recipe name, package name, description and installed files, and prints the recipe name on match. arguments: keyword Keyword to search for (regular expression syntax allowed) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ devtool search weston glibc GLIBC (GNU C Library) weston Weston, a Wayland compositor libgcc GNU cc and gcc C compilers gcc-runtime Runtime libraries from GCC weston-init Startup script and systemd unit file for the Weston Wayland compositor
3.3. Working on a recipe in the workspace[edit source]
3.3.1. devtool build[edit source]
Build a recipe, request to devtool to perform do_configure, do_compile and do_install for a specific package managed in the workspace.
- Help command:
$ devtool build --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool build [-h] [-s] recipename Builds the specified recipe using bitbake (up to and including do_populate_sysroot, do_packagedata) arguments: recipename Recipe to build options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s, --disable-parallel-make Disable make parallelism
- Example
$ devtool build myapp
3.3.2. devtool rename[edit source]
Rename the recipe file name with a new name.
- Help command:
$ devtool rename --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool rename [-h] [--version VERSION] [--no-srctree] recipename [newname] Renames the recipe file for a recipe in the workspace, changing the name or version part or both, ensuring that all references within the workspace are updated at the same time. Only works when the recipe file itself is in the workspace, e.g. after devtool add. Particularly useful when devtool add did not automatically determine the correct name. arguments: recipename Current name of recipe to rename newname New name for recipe (optional, not needed if you only want to change the version) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version VERSION, -V VERSION Change the version (NOTE: this does not change the version fetched by the recipe, just the version in the recipe file name) --no-srctree, -s Do not rename the source tree directory (if the default source tree path has been used) - keeping the old name may be desirable if there are internal/other external references to this path
- Example
$ devtool rename mylib mylib_newname
3.3.3. devtool edit-recipe[edit source]
Edit recipe file in the configured editor
- Help command:
$ devtool edit-recipe --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool edit-recipe [-h] [--any-recipe] recipename Runs the default editor (as specified by the EDITOR variable) on the specified recipe. Note that the recipe file itself must be in the workspace (i.e. as a result of "devtool add" or "devtool upgrade"); you can override this with the -a/--any-recipe option. arguments: recipename Recipe to edit options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --any-recipe, -a Edit any recipe, not just where the recipe file itself is in the workspace
- Example
$ devtool edit-recipe mylib
3.3.4. devtool find-recipe[edit source]
Find any recipe file
- Help command:
$ devtool find-recipe --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool find-recipe [-h] [--any-recipe] recipename By default, this will find a recipe file in your workspace; you can override this with the -a/--any-recipe option. arguments: recipename Recipe to find options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --any-recipe, -a Find any recipe, not just where the recipe file itself is in the workspace
- Example
$ devtool find-recipe mylib
3.3.5. devtool configure-help[edit source]
Display the configure help for a recipe using such script.
- Help command:
$ devtool configure-help --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool configure-help [options] recipename [--arg ...] Displays the help for the configure script for the specified recipe (i.e. runs ./configure --help) prefaced by a header describing the current options being specified. Output is piped through less (or whatever PAGER is set to, if set) for easy browsing. arguments: recipename Recipe to show configure help for options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p, --no-pager Disable paged output -n, --no-header Disable explanatory header text --arg ... Pass remaining arguments to the configure script instead of --help (useful if the script has additional help options)
- Example
$ devtool configure-help mylib
3.3.6. devtool update-recipe[edit source]
Apply changes from external source tree to recipe:
- by updating bb file
- by updating or creating bbappend file
- Help command:
$ devtool update-recipe --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool update-recipe [-h] [--mode MODE] [--initial-rev INITIAL_REV] [--append LAYERDIR] [--wildcard-version] [--no-remove] recipename Applies changes from external source tree to a recipe (updating/adding/removing patches as necessary, or by updating SRCREV). Note that these changes need to have been committed to the git repository in order to be recognised. arguments: recipename Name of recipe to update options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --mode MODE, -m MODE Update mode (where MODE is patch, srcrev, auto; default is auto) --initial-rev INITIAL_REV Override starting revision for patches --append LAYERDIR, -a LAYERDIR Write changes to a bbappend in the specified layer instead of the recipe --wildcard-version, -w In conjunction with -a/--append, use a wildcard to make the bbappend apply to any recipe version --no-remove, -n Don't remove patches, only add or update
- Example
Create a bbappend for a specific recipe, here pixman
$ devtool update-recipe -a ../meta-st/meta-st-framework pixman
Update the recipe libsmaf
$ devtool update-recipe libsmaf
3.3.7. devtool reset[edit source]
Remove a recipe from your workspace (only on workspace).
- Help command:
$ devtool reset --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool reset [-h] [--all] [--no-clean] [recipename [recipename ...]] Removes the specified recipe(s) from your workspace (resetting its state back to that defined by the metadata). arguments: recipename Recipe to reset options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --all, -a Reset all recipes (clear workspace) --no-clean, -n Don't clean the sysroot to remove recipe output
- Example
$ devtool reset myapp
3.3.8. devtool finish[edit source]
Allow to complete the development done through devtool by updating layer(s) with the work done.
- Help command:
$ devtool finish --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool finish [-h] [--mode MODE] [--initial-rev INITIAL_REV] recipename destination Pushes any committed changes to the specified recipe to the specified layer and removes it from your workspace. Roughly equivalent to an update-recipe followed by reset, except the update-recipe step will do the "right thing" depending on the recipe and the destination layer specified. arguments: recipename Recipe to finish destination Layer/path to put recipe into. Can be the name of a layer configured in your bblayers.conf, the path to the base of a layer, or a partial path inside a layer. devtool finish will attempt to complete the path based on the layer's structure. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --mode MODE, -m MODE Update mode (where MODE is patch, srcrev, auto; default is auto) --initial-rev INITIAL_REV Override starting revision for patches
- Example
$ devtool finish mylib Layer/path
3.4. Testing changes on target[edit source]
3.4.1. devtool deploy-target[edit source]
Deploy recipe output files to live target machine.
- Help command:
$ devtool deploy-target --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool deploy-target [-h] [-c] [-s] [-n] [-p] [--no-check-space] [-P PORT] [-S | --no-strip] recipename target Deploys a recipe's build output (i.e. the output of the do_install task) to a live target machine over ssh. By default, any existing files will be preserved instead of being overwritten and will be restored if you run devtool undeploy- target. Note: this only deploys the recipe itself and not any runtime dependencies, so it is assumed that those have been installed on the target beforehand. arguments: recipename Recipe to deploy target Live target machine running an ssh server: user@hostname[:destdir] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --no-host-check Disable ssh host key checking -s, --show-status Show progress/status output -n, --dry-run List files to be deployed only -p, --no-preserve Do not preserve existing files --no-check-space Do not check for available space before deploying -P PORT, --port PORT Port to use for connection to the target -S, --strip Strip executables prior to deploying (default: False). The default value of this option can be controlled by setting the strip option in the [Deploy] section to True or False. --no-strip Do not strip executables prior to deploy
- Example
$ devtool deploy-target myapp root@<ip of board>
3.4.2. devtool undeploy-target[edit source]
Remove recipe output files from live target machine.
- Help command:
$ devtool undeploy-target --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool undeploy-target [-h] [-c] [-s] [-a] [-n] [-P PORT] [recipename] target Un-deploys recipe output files previously deployed to a live target machine by devtool deploy-target. arguments: recipename Recipe to undeploy (if not using -a/--all) target Live target machine running an ssh server: user@hostname options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --no-host-check Disable ssh host key checking -s, --show-status Show progress/status output -a, --all Undeploy all recipes deployed on the target -n, --dry-run List files to be undeployed only -P PORT, --port PORT Port to use for connection to the target
- Example
$ devtool undeploy-target myapp root@<ip of board>
3.4.3. devtool build-image[edit source]
Build image including workspace recipe packages.
- Help command:
$ devtool build-image --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool build-image [-h] [-p PACKAGES] [imagename] Builds an image, extending it to include packages from recipes in the workspace arguments: imagename Image recipe to build options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PACKAGES, --add-packages PACKAGES Instead of adding packages for the entire workspace, specify packages to be added to the image (separate multiple packages by commas)
- Example
$ devtool build-image st-image-weston
3.5. Advanced[edit source]
3.5.1. devtool create-workspace[edit source]
Create a specific workspace folder instead of the default one
- Help command:
$ devtool create-workspace --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool create-workspace [-h] [--create-only] [layerpath] Sets up a new workspace. NOTE: other devtool subcommands will create a workspace automatically as needed, so you only need to use devtool create- workspace if you want to specify where the workspace should be located. arguments: layerpath Path in which the workspace layer should be created options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --create-only Only create the workspace layer, do not alter configuration
- Example
$ devtool create-workspace NewWorkspace/path
3.5.2. devtool import[edit source]
Import any exported workspace into the workspace.
- Help command:
$ devtool import --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool import [-h] [--overwrite] FILE Import tar archive previously created by "devtool export" into workspace arguments: FILE Name of the tar archive to import options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --overwrite, -o Overwrite files when extracting
- Example
$ devtool import ExportedWorkspaceFileName
3.5.3. devtool extract[edit source]
Extract the source for an existing recipe:
- extract of source code (do_unpack).
- patch it (do_patch).
- Help command:
$ devtool extract --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool extract [-h] [--branch BRANCH] [--keep-temp] recipename srctree Extracts the source for an existing recipe arguments: recipename Name of recipe to extract the source for srctree Path to where to extract the source tree options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH Name for development branch to checkout (default "devtool") --keep-temp Keep temporary directory (for debugging)
- Example
$ devtool extract pixman <source path/pixman>
3.5.4. devtool sync[edit source]
Synchronize extracted sources
- Help command:
$ devtool sync --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool sync [-h] [--branch BRANCH] [--keep-temp] recipename srctree Synchronize the previously extracted source tree for an existing recipe arguments: recipename Name of recipe to sync the source for srctree Path to the source tree options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH Name for development branch to checkout (default: devtool) --keep-temp Keep temporary directory (for debugging) (default: False)
- Example
$ devtool sync libsmaf mysources/libsmaf
3.5.5. devtool export[edit source]
Export the workspace as tarball.
- Help command:
$ devtool export --help NOTE: Starting bitbake server... usage: devtool export [-h] [--file FILE] [--overwrite] [--include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...] | --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]] Export one or more recipes from current workspace into a tar archive options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --file FILE, -f FILE Output archive file name --overwrite, -o Overwrite previous export tar archive --include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...], -i INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...] Include recipes into the tar archive --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...], -e EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...] Exclude recipes into the tar archive
- Example
$ devtool export ExportWokspaceFileName