This article explains how you can create your own STM32MPU distribution for Android (adapted to your device) starting from an existing one based on STMicroelectronics reference boards.
It is performed in several steps:
1- Create your own device directory, and configure it depending on your device capability
2- Customize the <STM32Series> setup
3- Customize the <STM32Series> associated BSP (TF-A, U-Boot, OP-TEE, Linux)
4- Build your distribution
5- Flash your distribution
6- Debug your distribution
It is also possible to create your own device structure, getting back only the required <STM32Series> associated BSP (TF-A, U-Boot, OP-TEE or/and Linux kernel). For that purpose refer directly to the chapter Customize the BSP.
It is intended for Distribution Package users.
1. Prerequisites[edit source]
The environment used must be installed using the right Distribution Package for your selected microprocessor device. See Distribution_Package to allow understanding how to get back the referenced distribution.
The STM32CubeProgrammer must be installed.
2. Create your device[edit source]
You need to create your device folder in the Android distribution tree with the name of your device in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<your device name>
Once created, you must put all necessary configuration files dedicated to your device, like it is done for STMicroelectronics reference <BoardId>.
- MakeFiles[1]
: declares the files and modules needed for the deviceaosp_<your device name>.mk
: creates a specific product definition
: points to the products makefilesaosp_<your device name>.mk
: contains board-specific configurations
- Overlays: some overlays need to be adapt to match your device configuration especially
. They must be added indevice/stm/<STM32Series>/<your device name>/overlay
- Configurations: depending on your device some configurations must be changed like for Bluetooth, WiFi, audio etc... Please have a look at How to customize the STM32MPU distribution for Android.
3. Customize the distribution setup[edit source]
3.1. Adapt the Android distribution[edit source]
A mechanism is in place to select required modules version and potentially apply some patches directly to the Android distribution source files.
It is recommended to take a look at the list of modifications performed. All explanations are available in Modify Android distribution chapter.
3.2. Adapt the flash layout[edit source]
A configuration file is used to configure the layout. It is recommended to take a look at the current layout configuration and adapt it if needed.
All explanations are available in Layout configuration chapter.
3.3. Execute the setup[edit source]
<STM32Series>setupsource ./build/
The <STM32Series>setup
(ex: stm32mp1setup for STM32MP1 series) script must be executed only once.
During the distribution setup, the required graphics libraries are loaded.
4. Customize the BSP[edit source]
You can change various elements to customize the BSP to match your device.
4.1. Bootloaders[edit source]
If you want to use the same bootloaders as on STMicroelectronics reference board (TF-A and U-Boot), you have first to load the source (please refer to Load the bootloader sources chapter).
You can update the TF-A and U-boot with your own device tree (it is possible to use the STM32CubeMX tool to help you creating it):
- TF-A device trees are available in
directory - U-Boot device trees are available in
You can adapt the used U-boot defconfig available in device/stm/<STM32Series>-bootloader/u-boot-<STM32Series>/configs/
- <STM32Series>_optee_defconfig if you want to integrate also the OP-TEE
- <STM32Series>_trusted_defconfig if you do not need any trusted execution environment
You have then to rebuild the bootloaders (please refer to Build the bootloaders chapter).
4.2. TEE[edit source]
If you want to use the same trusted execution environment (OP-TEE), you have first to load the source (please refer to Load OP-TEE sources chapter).
You can update OP-TEE OS with your own device tree (it is possible to use the STM32CubeMX tool to help you creating it).
OP-TEE OS device trees are available in device/stm/<STM32Series>-tee/optee_os-<STM32Series>/core/arch/arm/fdts/
You have then to rebuild the trusted execution environment (please refer to Build OP-TEE OS chapter).
You can also build the list of trusted applications required (please refer to Build Trusted Applications chapter).
4.3. Kernel[edit source]
You can update the Linux kernel configuration, please refer to How to customize kernel for Android.
5. Build your distribution[edit source]
To be able to build your customized distribution you need to
<your device>-<build_type>lunch aosp_
Available build_type
: to generate an end-user production image;userdebug
: similar to anuser
build but with root access and debug capabilities;eng
: development configuration with additional debugging tools.
Then build it
make -j
For more details please have a look at How to build STM32MPU distribution for Android.
6. Flash your distribution[edit source]
From this stage you can flash the generated images on your device (please refer to Flashing the built image).
7. Debug your distribution[edit source]
From this stage, there are various ways to debug your device (please refer to STM32MP1 Platform trace and debug environment overview for Android).
8. References[edit source]