Last edited 5 years ago

How to stop and start Weston: Difference between revisions

Latest revision as of 10:10, 7 October 2019

1. Starting, stopping and restarting Weston

Weston has its own systemd service (/lib/systemd/system/weston.service) to easily start, stop and restart Weston.

The following command stops the Weston service:

 systemctl stop weston

The following command starts the Weston service:

 systemctl start weston

The following command stops and then restarts the Weston service:

 systemctl restart weston

2. Preventing Weston from automatically starting on boot

The Weston service is automatically started on boot as specified in /lib/systemd/system/weston.service.

The following command disables the automatic start of the Weston service:

 systemctl disable weston

Note: The following command enables the automatic start of the Weston service:

 systemctl enable weston