Networking overview

Applicable for STM32MP13x lines, STM32MP15x lines

This article explains how net devices are mapped to the Linux® kernel netdevice stack.

1 Purpose[edit]

This article introduces the Linux® kernel netdevice. Its purpose is to provide to newcomers some first insights regarding networking. The other articles referenced in this page provide detailed information about each component connected to netdevice.

2 System overview[edit]

Alternate text
Networking Overview

On STM32MP1 Series, the netdevice stack is used for two purposes: CAN and Ethernet. A more detailed block diagram of each interface is available in dedicated pages: CAN and Ethernet.
Linux® community offers several links to help understanding the netdevice stack:

  • Kernel networking flow [1],
  • Kernel networking documentation[2]

3 References[edit]

  1. [1], Kernel networking flow
  2. Kernel networking documentation